ROBOTIS-GIT / turtlebot3_manipulation

OpenManipulator with TurtleBot3 packages
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Open Manipulator Fails BringUP #63

Closed gandradeng closed 2 months ago

gandradeng commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone, I'm having this errors (exception) when trying to bringup the turtlebot3 with the open manipulator: $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/dali/.ros/log/2023-07-01-20-56-48-983432-dali-turtlebot-10821 [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO [ERROR] [launch]: Caught exception in launch (see debug for traceback): executable '[<launch.substitutions.text_substitution.TextSubstitution object at 0xffff8f854100>]' not found on the PATH

Data: Turtlebo3 with OpenManipulator X, Humble, Ubuntu 22.04, Raspberry Pi 4.

yeongkyuyoon commented 1 year ago

Hi, Could you try below command on 'turtlebot3_ws' using Terminal?

$ source install/setup.bash

ozanaki commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue too. @yeongkyuyoon Sourcing the install/setup.bash did not fix the issue.

ROS2 Humble / Ubuntu 22.04 Server / Raspberry Pi 4 / Turtlebot3 Waffle Pi with Manipulator.

ubuntu@wafflepi:~/turtlebot3_ws$ source install/setup.bash ubuntu@wafflepi:~/turtlebot3_ws$ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/2023-07-13-16-58-41-633216-wafflepi-1236 [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO [ERROR] [launch]: Caught exception in launch (see debug for traceback): executable '[<launch.substitutions.text_substitution.TextSubstitution object at 0xffffbafb6c50>]' not found on the PATH ubuntu@wafflepi:~/turtlebot3_ws$

yeongkyuyoon commented 1 year ago

@ozanaki Perhaps some dependency packages are not installed, resulting in errors when executing the launch file. I identified all the missing packages in the ROS2 Foxy version and conducted tests accordingly.

It is assumed that the Humble version also encounters a similar problem. Please install the following dependency packages from the Humble distro.

sudo apt install ros-foxy-hardware-interface sudo apt install ros-foxy-xacro sudo apt install ros-foxy-imu-sensor-broadcaster sudo apt install ros-foxy-diff-drive-controller sudo apt install ros-foxy-position-controllers sudo apt install ros-foxy-gripper-controllers sudo apt install ros-foxy-joint-state-broadcaster sudo apt install ros-foxy-joint-trajectory-controller sudo apt install ros-foxy-controller-manager

and run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.

ozanaki commented 1 year ago

@yeongkyuyoon I have installed these packages for Humble as you suggested. This error message has disappeared, the manipulator has gone to the start position while bringing up.

sudo apt install ros-humble-hardware-interface sudo apt install ros-humble-xacro sudo apt install ros-humble-imu-sensor-broadcaster sudo apt install ros-humble-diff-drive-controller sudo apt install ros-humble-position-controllers sudo apt install ros-humble-gripper-controllers sudo apt install ros-humble-joint-state-broadcaster sudo apt install ros-humble-joint-trajectory-controller sudo apt install ros-humble-controller-manager

But this time some different error messages appeared on the terminal as [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet! and [ros2_control_node-1] *** stack smashing detected ***: terminated seems not related to this issue. I just proceed to another issue :)

Thank you for your help

gandradeng commented 1 year ago

I was able to solve the original issue but typing (at tb3) sudo apt install ros-humble-launch-*. But then another problem came through bring up:
[ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet!

yeongkyuyoon commented 1 year ago

@ozanaki @gandradeng Hi, I guess it's a problem with OpenCR's firmware. What firmware are you using? Have you installed it according to the guidelines in the E-manual? Try the directions below, and let me know.

[TurtleBot3 SBC] Download the OpenCR firmware file on Raspberry Pi (SBC) and upload the correct firmware with the following commands. $ export OPENCR_PORT=/dev/ttyACM0 $ export OPENCR_MODEL=turtlebot3_manipulation $ rm -rf ./opencr_update.tar.bz2 $ wget $ tar -xvf opencr_update.tar.bz2 $ cd ./opencr_update $ ./ $OPENCR_PORT $OPENCR_MODEL.opencr

gandradeng commented 1 year ago

Hi, @yeongkyuyoon! I did exactly as in E-manual and until now the open manipulator is not working.

ozanaki commented 1 year ago

@yeongkyuyoon I am exactly following the instructions in the manual including setting up the OpenCR. I installed the manipulation package on freshly installed ROS2 Humble on Ubuntu 22.04 on Raspberry Pi 4 (waffle pi with manipulator) described as in the manual

Here is the ssh terminal output screen after applying the bringup command $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup

[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/2023-07-19-09-35-37-701805-wafflepi-1953 [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO [INFO] [ros2_control_node-1]: process started with pid [1956] [INFO] [robot_state_publisher-2]: process started with pid [1958] [INFO] [spawner-3]: process started with pid [1960] [INFO] [ld08_driver-4]: process started with pid [1962] [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.081126855] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment base_footprint [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.084080957] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment base_link [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.086333806] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment base_scan [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.088819302] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment camera_link [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.090887115] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment camera_rgb_frame [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.092974003] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment camera_rgb_optical_frame [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.093049058] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment caster_back_left_link [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.093081150] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment caster_back_right_link [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.093108428] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment end_effector_link [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.093135131] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment gripper_left_link [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.093160668] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment gripper_right_link [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.093186483] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment imu_link [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.093211742] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment link1 [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.093237075] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment link2 [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.093261408] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment link3 [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.093287037] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment link4 [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.093311648] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment link5 [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.093335852] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment wheel_left_link [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1689748540.093360444] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment wheel_right_link [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748540.103276592] [resource_manager]: Loading hardware 'TurtleBot3ManipulationSystem' [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748540.107125038] [resource_manager]: Initialize hardware 'TurtleBot3ManipulationSystem' [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748540.113484645] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Succeeded to open port [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748540.121159295] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Succeeded to set baudrate [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748540.150026914] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: OpenCR Model Number 20480 [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748540.178978772] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Connected manipulator [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748540.207992482] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Connected wheels [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748540.208380904] [resource_manager]: Successful initialization of hardware 'TurtleBot3ManipulationSystem' [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748540.209037639] [resource_manager]: 'configure' hardware 'TurtleBot3ManipulationSystem'

[ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748540.209157434] [resource_manager]: 'activate' hardware 'TurtleBot3ManipulationSystem' [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748540.209181397] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Ready for start [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748540.236964525] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Wait for IMU re-calibration [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet! [ld08_driver-4] /dev/ttyUSB0 CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller [ld08_driver-4] /dev/ttyACM0 OpenCR Virtual ComPort in FS Mode [ld08_driver-4] FOUND LDS-02 [ld08_driver-4] LDS-02 started successfully [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748543.271573655] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Joints and wheels torque ON [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet! [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748543.351609203] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Set profile acceleration and velocity to joints [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet! [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet! [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748543.422589409] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Set profile acceleration and velocity to gripper [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet! [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet! [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748543.493650207] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Set goal current value to gripper [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet! [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748543.528636065] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: System starting

[ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748543.550493230] [controller_manager]: update rate is 100 Hz [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748543.552310232] [controller_manager]: RT kernel is recommended for better performance [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748543.552507008] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Start to read wheels and manipulator states [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748543.566558895] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Start to write wheels and manipulator commands [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet! [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748543.604358856] [controller_manager]: Loading controller 'joint_state_broadcaster' [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet! [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [1689748543.638808497] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Can't control joints [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet! [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [1689748543.674483737] [turtlebot3_manipulation]: Can't control gripper [spawner-3] [INFO] [1689748543.713645593] [spawner_joint_state_broadcaster]: Loaded joint_state_broadcaster [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748543.717025005] [controller_manager]: Configuring controller 'joint_state_broadcaster' [ros2_control_node-1] [INFO] [1689748543.717379613] [joint_state_broadcaster]: 'joints' or 'interfaces' parameter is empty. All available state interfaces will be published [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet! [ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet! [ros2_control_node-1] stack smashing detected : terminated [ERROR] [ros2_control_node-1]: process has died [pid 1956, exit code -11, cmd '/opt/ros/humble/lib/controller_manager/ros2_control_node --ros-args --params-file /tmp/launch_params_5fpdjqzo --params-file /home/ubuntu/turtlebot3_ws/install/turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup/share/turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup/config/hardware_controller_manager.yaml -r ~/cmd_vel_unstamped:=cmd_vel -r ~/odom:=odom'].

jango175 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've got the same problem as @ozanaki. Did anybody manage to solve it? I suppose it is something connected with OpenCR software.

AugensteinT commented 10 months ago

Hi, I've got the same problem as @ozanaki. Did anybody manage to solve it?

krizchong commented 5 months ago

I am also getting the same problem as @ozanaki , fail to bring up TB3 with Openmanipuator-X in ROS 2 Humble, getting error “[ros2_control_node-1] [ERROR] [DynamixelSDKWrapper] [TxRxResult] There is no status packet!”...

Any solution?

sunghowoo commented 2 months ago

This issue occurs with the latest version of Dynamixel, and it has been confirmed that it can be resolved by using the Dynamixel Wizard to change the Return Delay Time of all motors from 250 ms to 0 ms.