ROBOTIS-JAPAN-GIT / turtlebot3_slam_3d

Turtlebot3 3D-SLAM demo using RTAB-Map with Jetson TX2 and ZED Mini
170 stars 62 forks source link

Start up procedure #11

Open 08bonifaz opened 4 years ago

08bonifaz commented 4 years ago

I am built the Turtlebot3 with the zedmini cameras. I have the following networked on ROS my PC, TB3 PI, and the TX2. my question is what is the procedure to start creating my own map? Currently I am doing the following: my PC: run -> roslaunch turtlebot3_slam_3d turtlebot3_slam_3d.launch I get the following:

[ERROR] [1594135484.764127]: Error opening serial: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/ttyACM0: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/ttyACM0'
Waiting for image.
Waiting for image.
[ERROR] [1594135487.769527]: Error opening serial: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/ttyACM0: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/ttyACM0'
[ WARN] [1594135488.665722321]: /rtabmap/rtabmap: Did not receive data since 5 seconds! Make sure the input topics are published ("$ rostopic hz my_topic") and the timestamps in their header are set. If topics are coming from different computers, make sure the clocks of the computers are synchronized ("ntpdate"). If topics are not published at the same rate, you could increase "queue_size" parameter (current=100).
/rtabmap/rtabmap subscribed to (approx sync):
Waiting for image.

Could some please let know if I have to start up the turtlebot first or run a comand on the tx2 first.

thank you for your help

Affonso-Gui commented 4 years ago

The turtlebot startup is already included in the turtlebot3_slam_3d.launch file, but seems to be having some problems.

Can you successfully run roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch ?

The error message points to problems at the communications with the OpenCM board (which should be ACM0). Can you also check if that is going fine? Try running ls /dev/ttyACM* and confirm that the device is registered as ACM0. Maybe it appears as something as ACM1, in which case you could just pull out and re-connect the USB cable, or change the configuration to ACM1 instead.

08bonifaz commented 4 years ago

@Affonso-Gui thank you for your response. I currently am running roslaunch turtlebot3_slam_3d turtlebot3_slam_3d.launch`` from my PC when this error happens. However if run roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch on the TB3 Raspberry pi it runs find with out the [ERROR] [1594135487.769527]: Error opening serial: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/ttyACM0: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/ttyACM0' ```. As it is setup right now I have the the cameras connected via usb hub to the TX2, the TB3 PI and OpenCM connected according to the TB3 manual, however there is no physical connection between the TX2 and the TB3 PI/OpenCM. I am hoping this is correct.

Affonso-Gui commented 4 years ago

So, the deal is that both the TB3 Pi and the TX2 play the same roll, except that the TX2 is much more powerful. In this repository we are substituting the TB3 PI with the TX2, so just put the TB3 PI aside and connect everything (the camera, the Lidar and the OpenCM) directly to the TX2. You might need an USB hub.

08bonifaz commented 4 years ago

@Affonso-Gui thank you again for your help. Now am getting the following issue:

[ERROR] [1595425461.160462241]: Could not load model 'package://zed_wrapper/urdf/ZEDM.stl' for link 'zed_camera_link': OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): Cannot locate resource package://zed_wrapper/urdf/ZEDM.stl in resource group Autodetect or any other group. in ResourceGroupManager::openResource at /build/ogre-1.9-i02lBV/ogre-1.9-1.9.0+dfsg1/OgreMain/src/OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp (line 756)
[ WARN] [1595425461.960461878]: /rtabmap/rtabmap: Did not receive data since 5 seconds! Make sure the input topics are published ("$ rostopic hz my_topic") and the timestamps in their header are set. If topics are coming from different computers, make sure the clocks of the computers are synchronized ("ntpdate"). If topics are not published at the same rate, you could increase "queue_size" parameter (current=100).
/rtabmap/rtabmap subscribed to (approx sync):
Waiting for image.
Waiting for image.

also this is what I see in rviz: Screenshot from 2020-07-22 09-47-34

Screenshot from 2020-07-22 09-48-57

please let me know if you have any suggestions I am trying to create my own 3d map.

Affonso-Gui commented 3 years ago

Ok, apparently the model for the zed mini camera have been modified at the original repository.

Can you try changing zed_wrapper/urdf/ZEDM.stl to zed_wrapper/urdf/models/zedm.stl at ?

If it works could you also please send a PR with the changes?
