ROBOTIS-JAPAN-GIT / turtlebot3_slam_3d

Turtlebot3 3D-SLAM demo using RTAB-Map with Jetson TX2 and ZED Mini
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I can’t publish the 3D coordinate of the detected objects using intel cameras #18

Open Yousef19986 opened 1 year ago

Yousef19986 commented 1 year ago

I’m trying to use intel realsense depth camera (d435) and a tracking camera (T265) in this project to detect objects and localize them in real-time along with Rtab mapping. I made my own launch file to run the cameras and the detection with darknet-ros then I added the part of publishing the TF of the detected object I took it from your launch file but it seems that does not work for me.

Screenshot from 2023-03-10 17-30-27

Screenshot from 2023-03-10 16-01-50

I tried to check the topic /cluster_decomposer/centroid_pose_array

But what I get is : `subscribed to [/cluster_decomposer/centroid_pose_array]

no new messages no new messages no new messages `

Knowing that I use my laptop to run this : CUDA 11.2 Ubuntu 20.4 Ros Noetic

Screenshot from 2023-03-10 16-10-35

Affonso-Gui commented 1 year ago


Can you receive messages from darknet_ros/label_image and darknet_ros/cluster_points? If so, what is the frequency (Hertz) of each?

Yousef19986 commented 1 year ago

Hi, when I try the command rostopic hz on both topics this is what I get:

`yousef@yousef:~$ rostopic hz /darknet_ros/label_image

subscribed to [/darknet_ros/label_image] no new messages no new messages no new messages ^Cno new messages yousef@yousef:~$ rostopic hz /darknet_ros/cluster_points

subscribed to [/darknet_ros/cluster_points]

no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages ^Cno new messages yousef@yousef:~$ `

btw this is while detecting an object, It is detecting but I don't know why it is not giving any massages

And this is the portion of my launch file that is in charge of localization and darknet-Ros detection for your reference.

Screenshot from 2023-03-10 20-51-29

Affonso-Gui commented 1 year ago

I am not sure which one (if any) is directly related to your problem, but I can notice the two following differences between your usage and our examples:

  1. The config file (ros_config).

    <!-- DETECTION -->
    <arg name="darknet_config"        default="$(find turtlebot3_slam_3d)/config/darknet_config.yaml"/>
    <param name="/darknet_ros/subscribers/camera_reading/topic"      value="$(arg input_image)"/>
    <param name="/darknet_ros/subscribers/camera_reading/queue_size" value="1"/>
    <include file="$(find darknet_ros)/launch/darknet_ros.launch">
    <arg name="ros_config" value="$(arg darknet_config)"/>
  2. When I was developing this I had to make a few changes in both the darknet_ros and realsense repositories. The rosinstall file and the README instructions should give more info on how to set them up, or you can take a look on the diff and judge how to (if needed) apply the changes to your current branch.

Just in case, have you also made sure the input image topic is being received?

Yousef19986 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I installed the branch of Darknet-Ros you provided and edited my launch file at the detection part to be like yours but I noticed that when I add the argument <arg name="ros_config" value="$(arg darknet_config)"/>

and this is what i get

`[ WARN] [1678508212.271478819]: '/cluster_decomposer' subscribes topics only with child subscribers.

[ WARN] [1678508212.303791902]: '/label_mask' subscribes topics only with child subscribers.

Waiting for image. Waiting for image. Waiting for image. Waiting for image. `

Screenshot from 2023-03-11 12-27-12

as you can see darknet node refuses to connect to the topic /d400/color/image_raw as I even edited the ros.yaml file to connect to this topic as usual to receive the image data but when I remove that line it becomes working normally like before but still facing the same tf issue.