$ hipify-clang platform.h --cuda-path=/usr/local/cuda-11.3 --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_75 -- -std=c++17 -x cuda
/tmp/platform.h-734707.hip:316:9: warning: >>>>>>>>>>>>C Preprocessor got here (1)! [-W#pragma-messages]
#pragma message( ">>>>>>>>>>>>C Preprocessor got here (1)!" )
/tmp/platform.h-734707.hip:340:9: warning: >>>>>>>>>>>>C Preprocessor got here (2)! [-W#pragma-messages]
#pragma message( ">>>>>>>>>>>>C Preprocessor got here (2)!" )
Is this an expected behavior for hipify-clang to ignore the if-else-endif preprocessor directives? This code is meant to define the missing structs if there's lack of compiler support. If hipify-clang ignores those directives, a declaration conflict would occur therefore it fails to hipify. Hence I wonder if this is by design or I overlooked something?
I have code snippet like this:
And when I feed that into hipify-clang:
Is this an expected behavior for hipify-clang to ignore the if-else-endif preprocessor directives? This code is meant to define the missing structs if there's lack of compiler support. If hipify-clang ignores those directives, a declaration conflict would occur therefore it fails to hipify. Hence I wonder if this is by design or I overlooked something?