MIVisionX toolkit is a set of comprehensive computer vision and machine intelligence libraries, utilities, and applications bundled into a single toolkit. AMD MIVisionX also delivers a highly optimized open-source implementation of the Khronos OpenVX™ and OpenVX™ Extensions.
[ RUN 0010 ] vxConvertDepth.BitExact/9/WRAP/1231x1234 U8->S16 ...
[ ***
FAILED at /var/jenkins_home/workspace/g_Short-GPUOpen_MIVisionX_PR-905@3/DDAmtoaei/CPU/mivisionx/build/release/conformance_tests/OpenVX-cts/test_conformance/test_convertdepth.c:517
Testing (vx_dst) image to be exactly equal to (ref_dst)
1231x1234 S016 images
Max difference (510) is found at point [x = 930, y = 468]:
Expected: 1020
Actual: 510
Totally 938498 pixels with different values
Shift value is 2
vxConvertDepth.BitExact/9/WRAP/1231x1234 U8->S16
This failure on CentOS 8 CPU & OpenCL Backend - more info -- http://math-ci.rocm.amd.com/blue/organizations/jenkins/compute-rocm-dkms-no-npi-hipclang%2FShort-GPUOpen%2FMIVisionX/detail/PR-905/5/pipeline/