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Heavy usage of flat instead of ds atomic operations #1181

Closed Lolliedieb closed 3 years ago

Lolliedieb commented 4 years ago


I observed that the lightning compiler - at least those that is included with rga prefers to use flat atomic operations in local memory instead of ds_atomics This applies as well to my Radeon VII as to RX 580 target.

I wondered why this happens and if it would not be more beneficiary to default to ds operations when available, because the flat operations

So I would appreciate usage of ds instead of flat operations and I do not see why this is not default. In case there is good reason to have flat_ as default maybe there is a switch that can toggle the behavior? If yes any comment about it would be heavily appreciated.

b-sumner commented 4 years ago

@Lolliedieb I assume you are using the hip language. In this language, and unlike OpenCL C, there is no concept of address spaces, and a pointer can point to anything. In OpenCL terminology, every pointer is a generic pointer. So with hip, we have to rely on the compiler being able to "figure out" that a generic pointer is actually pointing to a __shared__ / __local variable, and this is not always possible. That being said, it is possible that the compiler can do a better job of this than it does now. It would be helpful if you can provide a minimal standalone example (i.e. definitely not a pointer to a repo with hundreds of thousands of lines of code and tons of external dependencies) where you're certain the compiler should be able to do better.

Lolliedieb commented 4 years ago

No, I am speaking about rocm-cl / the OpenCl compiler integrated in rga 2.3.1.

Since my source code is of OpenCL 1.2 standard kind of the oposite is the case: every memory has a clearly defined address space (const, private, private scratch, local (lds) or global), so it should be easy to guess the ideal operation type.

b-sumner commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the clarification. Would you be able to provide or point to a (ideally small or minimal) OpenCL C source that exhibits the problem?

Lolliedieb commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the delay - summer holidays ;)

Yes of course. Consider the following OpenCL source

attribute((reqd_work_group_size(1024, 1, 1))) kernel void sort ( global uint4 input, __global uint4 output, __global uint * counter, uint grpDist, uint bucketSize) {

uint lId = get_local_id(0); uint grp = get_group_id(0);

__local uint histo[256];

if (lId < 256) histo[lId] = 0;


uint4 load0, load1, load2, load3;

load0 = input[grp bucketSize + lId]; load1 = input[grp bucketSize + lId + 1024]; load2 = input[grp bucketSize + lId + 2048]; load3 = input[grp bucketSize + lId + 3072];

atomic_inc(&histo[load0.s0 & 0xFF]); atomic_inc(&histo[load1.s0 & 0xFF]); atomic_inc(&histo[load2.s0 & 0xFF]); atomic_inc(&histo[load3.s0 & 0xFF]);


if (lId < 256) { histo[lId] = atomic_add(&counter[lId], histo[lId]); }


uint pos;

pos = atomic_inc(&histo[load0.s0 & 0xFF]); pos += bucketSize * (load0.s0 & 0xFF); output[pos] = load0;

pos = atomic_inc(&histo[load1.s0 & 0xFF]); pos += bucketSize * (load1.s0 & 0xFF); output[pos] = load1;

pos = atomic_inc(&histo[load2.s0 & 0xFF]); pos += bucketSize * (load2.s0 & 0xFF); output[pos] = load2;

pos = atomic_inc(&histo[load3.s0 & 0xFF]); pos += bucketSize * (load3.s0 & 0xFF); output[pos] = load3;

The kernel is rather simple. Each thread loads 4 uint4 and then tries to sort it according to the lowest 2 byte of the first uint int each uint4 package (Kind of a bucket sort). To save global atomic operations the work group first collects the number of outputs to each buffer before writing something.

Now compiled with rga for Ellesmere target (and well quite similar for Vega or VII), when writing it looks like

flat_store_dwordx4 v[19:20], v[13:16] flat_atomic_add v0, v[17:18], v2 glc s_waitcnt vmcnt(0) lgkmcnt(0) v_add_u32_e32 v0, vcc, v0, v23 v_lshlrev_b64 v[13:14], 4, v[0:1] v_add_u32_e32 v13, vcc, s14, v13 v_addc_u32_e32 v14, vcc, v30, v14, vcc flat_store_dwordx4 v[13:14], v[7:10] flat_atomic_add v0, v[11:12], v2 glc s_waitcnt vmcnt(0) lgkmcnt(0) v_add_u32_e32 v0, vcc, v0, v24 v_lshlrev_b64 v[0:1], 4, v[0:1] v_add_u32_e32 v0, vcc, s14, v0 v_addc_u32_e32 v1, vcc, v21, v1, vcc flat_store_dwordx4 v[0:1], v[3:6]

Here you see that after fetching an address to write element B to, the compiler inserts "s_waitcnt vmcnt(0) lgkmcnt(0)" which it needs to do, because the local atomic was translated to a flat atomic add instead of a local one. This vmcnt(0) wait but also waits for the (likely uncoalesced) write of element A before increasing the latency before the writing of B can be issued significantly.

Compiling the same code with the amdgpu-pro building compiler (thats else often much worse then rocm, but this times does better) produces code

flat_store_dwordx4 v[9:10], v[1:4] ds_add_rtn_u32 v0, v21, v23 v_bfe_u32 v1, v13, 0, 8 v_mul_lo_u32 v1, v1, s7 s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0) v_add_u32 v0, vcc, v1, v0 v_mov_b32 v1, 0 v_lshlrev_b64 v[0:1], 4, v[0:1] v_add_u32 v0, vcc, s0, v0 v_addc_u32 v1, vcc, v19, v1, vcc flat_store_dwordx4 v[0:1], v[13:16] ds_add_rtn_u32 v0, v22, v23 v_bfe_u32 v1, v5, 0, 8 v_mul_lo_u32 v1, v1, s7 s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0) v_add_u32 v0, vcc, v1, v0 v_mov_b32 v1, 0 v_lshlrev_b64 v[0:1], 4, v[0:1] v_add_u32 v0, vcc, s0, v0 v_addc_u32 v1, vcc, v19, v1, vcc flat_store_dwordx4 v[0:1], v[5:8]

This performs significantly better in this case and even requires less vector registers for addressing.

Note that I am aware the kernel is a bit artificial - but there are other examples like reading elements from global buffer and then inserting them into a local hash table (that needs atomic_cmpxchg in a tight loop). Here the reading operation and the insertion can barely be interleaved when the local atomic (but translated to flat atomic) requires a vmcnt(0) wait instruction.

ROCmSupport commented 3 years ago

Thanks @Lolliedieb for reaching out. I will get back to you with an update on this asap. Thank you.

ROCmSupport commented 3 years ago

Hi @Lolliedieb I have assigned this issue to developer and got an update that this issue got fixed in the latest internal builds. So it will be part of first release of 2021. Request you to wait till that time for the fix. Thank you.

ROCmSupport commented 3 years ago

Hi @Lolliedieb Fix is ready and its part of our internal builds. We will make sure the fix will be part of next possible release. Thank you.

ROCmSupport commented 3 years ago

Hi @Lolliedieb

Verified with our internal builds and issue is fixed and the changes will be part of next ROCm release. Please stay tuned for the next ROCm release. Thank you.

ROCmSupport commented 3 years ago

Verified and fixed with 4.1. Thank you.