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RFC to Add OpenCL 2.2 support with OpenCL C++ to ROCm #159

Closed nevion closed 3 years ago

nevion commented 7 years ago

To support better modularity, composability, really useful constructs such as classes, lambdas, and templates, compile time polymorphism (very useful for performance gains over C and has a large following in CUDA), genericity including the use of type traits, and ultimately sophisticated maximum performance focused device-side libraries such as CUB, please support OpenCL C++ in ROCm.

While ROCm already supports multiple families (HCC, OpenMP, HIP, AMP?) offering similar capabilities in separate components, none offer the simultaneous promise of an industry backed standard and a fine level control. HCC/AMP/OpenMP lack finer levels of control (in particular memory related) necessary for the highest performance code. HCC effectively compare to the vendor lock-in CUDA offers, although the project is opensource, and this ultimately islands code, in a sense. This choice over vendors (or similarly unreliance on a single vendor) is often what drives the choice of developers and project managers to invest in OpenCL. HIP is the most attractive option of these and essentially CUDA-lite, but not quite in runtime or operations supported and its not clear what it does and doesn't have - which is to say it doesn't follow a standard in earnest. One more feature OpenCL has on all of these approaches is JIT compilation - an incredibly powerful option in the right hands (Watch this GTC video of NVidia's Jitify project for a great overview of the technique and it's importance, which OpenCL made easy from day 1!)

ROCm has the opportunity to be first for widespread conformance and whip the rest of industry into shape. It is not clear, with the exception of HIP, why someone would choose to invest in the other options over OpenCL C++ when they do not offer the promise of an industry standard and inherent performance from tighter control (gauging HCC and OpenMP as comparable to AMP).

Please keep this ticket open to collect support.

This slide mentions a birds eye view of the feature, original source is slide 5 from The 2016 OpenCL state of the union. Note this feature was added ala carte to OpenCL 2.1, but more in the family in OpenCL 2.2.

gstoner commented 7 years ago

Note: This is a Request for Comment (RFC) on the desire to extend our OpenCL Library and Compiler to be extended to support OpenCL C++ conforming the 2.2 Specification running on the ROCm platform in addition to the ROCm platforms already enabled two C++ enabled languages listed bellow.

On this project, note now that we have open sourced our OpenCL Runtime and Compiler frontend this could be done via community developments.

Current C++ enabled ROCm Languages

pszi1ard commented 7 years ago

Of those languages listed, OpenCL is the only one that's an open standard. Additionally, there are projects invested in OpenCL many risking technical debt and wasted effort by keeping OpenCL support alive essentially only for AMD GPUs -- a good example being the project I'm involved in (despite the rather low user-interest).

It's a bit worrying that to an RFE requesting that AMD catches up with the standard after an understandable step backward (from OpenCL 2.0), the answer is that the community "could do it". While others could indeed do it, is it likely that it will just organically happen given that as far as I can tell there is very little in terms of OSS community around ROCm? Are there any stakeholders that showed interest to do the work and have made plans or perhaps are already working on it? I think the community would appreciate knowing that continued OpenCL investment is worth it.

Overall, I applaud the efforts to release a fully open GPU compute stack and I'm hoping we'll see soon plans of a path forward to supporting the more recent versions of the OpenCL standard.

gstoner commented 7 years ago

We moving to opencl 2.1 in a future release. So we have all platforms supported windows and Linux. Still working on timing. Note we are getting more traction on HIP.

gstoner commented 7 years ago

@pszi1ard we have not seen any industry traction on c++ version of opencl. Check Intel, Nvidia, and Apple.

nevion commented 7 years ago

@gstoner I think that's because compilers for these purposes are hard work and we've had to take what we could get as developers, not because of community disinterest. The industry support for versions of OpenCL is all over the place, tending towards the 1.2 side - without that being higher, it suggests C++ was never a possibility because of the large technical gap.

gstoner commented 7 years ago

That is the issue opencl1.2 is the de facto standard.

@nevion it little more then because developing a compiler is hard, there are business reasons for this. When I meet with customers in North America is the Open Standard is less important they see CUDA as Industry standard and want a solution to solve their current problem there Developer population is trained on CUDA and they see a limited number of students who know OpenCL coming out of school.

We have National Labs who only want OpenMP and C++ solution from us who will not use OpenCL.

In Europe, I see more Open Standard Matter, but even here we have a number of customers who see CUDA like a solution is important to them.

We have been talking to a lot of companies over the last three years, it really what developer population is comfortable with and we have to have a solution to service these markets, Which is why we made ROCm language Neutral. You pick what you want.

Now we will not always track to the latest spec update from Khronos Group since it does not alway make business sense to do so.

@pszi1ard We support OpenCL 2.0 minus PIPES and Device Enqueue ( Dynamic Parallelism) on the ROCm stack. It would be really good to understand what true benefit you are getting from OpenCL 2.0 over OpenCL 1.2 as developer beyond C11 Atomics, Global Address Spaces, Shared Virtual Memory which is support for OpenCL on ROCm.

gstoner commented 7 years ago

Also, HCC follows ISO C++.standard. Built on one of the best implementations with clang, Which is an industry standard. For C++ the community we talk too broadly wants us engaged in ISO standards body for our C++ work, not other bodies.

boxerab commented 7 years ago

@gstoner thanks for this info. I think it would be help to have a roadmap for HIP development, so that developers will feel confident investing time in it. Will it eventually match all of the capabilities of OpenCL 2, for example ? And be cross platform ? I've been developing OpenCL apps for the past 3 years, but because of nVidia lock-in behaviour, I need another solution for their platform, which is the vast majority of discrete graphics cards at the moment, (hopefully changing soon). I looked at HIP, but because it is linux only at the moment, I'm afraid I'm going to have to bite the bullet and port my OpenCL code to CUDA. This is video transcoding, not HPC or Deep Learning, so windows is a critical platform to support.

I realize there is much to do for AMD and limited resources, but I really do need a cross platform solution now, or at least a plan for getting there in the next 6-12 months. Having a road map would help a lot.

gstoner commented 7 years ago

HIP has more feature then OpenCL 2.0. it better maps to ROCr runtime api capabilities, We will be bring HCC and HIP to Windows, we just need to get it to feature maturity level before we moved it over. HIP currently also run on NVIDA using there NVCC compiler.

Are you asking about GL Interop and Texture Support, these are in development.

Table Comparing Syntax for Different Compute APIs Term CUDA HIP HC C++AMP OpenCL Device int deviceId int deviceId hc::accelerator concurrency:: accelerator cl_device Queue cudaStream_t hipStream_t hc:: accelerator_view concurrency:: accelerator_view cl_command_queue Event cudaEvent_t hipEvent_t hc:: completion_future concurrency:: completion_future cl_event Memory void void void *; hc::array; hc::array_view concurrency::array; concurrency::array_view cl_mem

    grid    grid    extent  extent  NDRange
    block   block   tile    tile    work-group
    thread  thread  thread  thread  work-item
    warp    warp    wavefront       N/A     sub-group

Thread- index threadIdx.x hipThreadIdx_x t_idx.local[0] t_idx.local[0] get_local_id(0) Block- index blockIdx.x hipBlockIdx_x t_idx.tile[0] t_idx.tile[0] get_group_id(0) Block- dim blockDim.x hipBlockDim_x t_ext.tile_dim[0] t_idx.tile_dim0 get_local_size(0) Grid-dim gridDim.x hipGridDim_x t_ext[0] t_ext[0] get_global_size(0)

Device Kernel global global lambda inside hc:: parallel_foreach or [[hc]] restrict(amp) kernel Device Function device device [[hc]] (detected automatically in many case) restrict(amp) Implied in device compilation Host Function host(default) _host (default) [[cpu]] (default) restrict(cpu) (default) Implied in host compilation. Host + Device Function host__device host__device [[hc]] [[cpu]] restrict(amp,cpu) No equivalent Kernel Launch <<< >>> hipLaunchKernel hc:: parallel_for_each concurrency:: parallel_for_each clEnqueueNDRangeKernel

Global Memory global global Unnecessary / Implied Unnecessary / Implied global Group Memory shared shared tile_static tile_static local Constant constant constant Unnecessary / Implied Unnecessary / Implied __constant

    __syncthreads   __syncthreads   tile_static.barrier()   t_idx.barrier() barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEMFENCE)

Atomic Builtins atomicAdd atomicAdd hc::atomic_fetch_add concurrency:: atomic_fetch_add atomic_add Precise Math cos(f) cos(f) hc:: precise_math::cos(f) concurrency:: precise_math::cos(f) cos(f) Fast Math cos(f) cos(f) hc:: fast_math::cos(f) concurrency:: fast_math::cos(f) native_cos(f) Vector float4 float4 hc:: short_vector::float4 concurrency:: graphics::float_4 float4


  1. For HC and C++AMP, assume a captured tiled_ext named "t_ext" and captured extent named "ext". These languages use captured variables to pass information to the kernel rather than using special built-in functions so the exact variable name may vary.
  2. The indexing functions (starting with thread-index) show the terminology for a 1D grid. Some APIs use reverse order of xyz / 012 indexing for 3D grids.
  3. HC allows tile dimensions to be specified at runtime while C++AMP requires that tile dimensions be specified at compile-time. Thus hc syntax for tile dims is t_ext.tile_dim[0] while C++AMP is t_ext.tile_dim0.
gstoner commented 7 years ago

It already in the hcc and hip docs. We are working new online documentation so it be easier to find.

boxerab commented 7 years ago

Thanks, Greg. I am more excited about HIP now :)

gstoner commented 7 years ago

I put the table at the bottom of this article for now.

ROCm, Lingua Franca, C++, OpenCL and Python

The open-source ROCm stack offers multiple programming-language choices. The goal is to give you a range of tools to help solve the problem at hand. Here, we describe some of the options and how to choose among them.

HCC: Heterogeneous Compute Compiler

What is the Heterogeneous Compute (HC) API? It’s a C++ dialect with extensions to launch kernels and manage accelerator memory. It closely tracks the evolution of C++ and will incorporate parallelism and concurrency features as the C++ standard does. For example, HC includes early support for the C++17 Parallel STL. At the recent ISO C++ meetings in Kona and Jacksonville, the committee was excited about enabling the language to express all forms of parallelism, including multicore CPU, SIMD and GPU. We’ll be following these developments closely, and you’ll see HC move quickly to include standard C++ capabilities.

The Heterogeneous Compute Compiler (HCC) provides two important benefits:

Ease of development

A full C++ API for managing devices, queues and events C++ data containers that provide type safety, multidimensional-array indexing and automatic data management C++ kernel-launch syntax using parallel_for_each plus C++11 lambda functions A single-source C++ programming environment---the host and source code can be in the same source file and use the same C++ language; templates and classes work naturally across the host/device boundary HCC generates both host and device code from the same compiler, so it benefits from a consistent view of the source code using the same Clang-based language parser Full control over the machine

Access AMD scratchpad memories (“LDS”) Fully control data movement, prefetch and discard Fully control asynchronous kernel launch and completion Get device-side dependency resolution for kernel and data commands (without host involvement) Obtain HSA agents, queues and signals for low-level control of the architecture using the HSA Runtime API Use direct-to-ISA compilation When to Use HC

Use HC when you're targeting the AMD ROCm platform: it delivers a single-source, easy-to-program C++ environment without compromising performance or control of the machine.

HIP: Heterogeneous-Computing Interface for Portability

What is Heterogeneous-Computing Interface for Portability (HIP)? It’s a C++ dialect designed to ease conversion of Cuda applications to portable C++ code. It provides a C-style API and a C++ kernel language. The C++ interface can use templates and classes across the host/kernel boundary.

The Hipify tool automates much of the conversion work by performing a source-to-source transformation from Cuda to HIP. HIP code can run on AMD hardware (through the HCC compiler) or Nvidia hardware (through the NVCC compiler) with no performance loss compared with the original Cuda code.

Programmers familiar with other GPGPU languages will find HIP very easy to learn and use. AMD platforms implement this language using the HC dialect described above, providing similar low-level control over the machine.

When to Use HIP

Use HIP when converting Cuda applications to portable C++ and for new projects that require portability between AMD and Nvidia. HIP provides a C++ development language and access to the best development tools on both platforms.

OpenCL™: Open Compute Language

What is OpenCL? It’s a framework for developing programs that can execute across a wide variety of heterogeneous platforms. AMD, Intel and Nvidia GPUs support version 1.2 of the specification, as do x86 CPUs and other devices (including FPGAs and DSPs). OpenCL provides a C run-time API and C99-based kernel language.

When to Use OpenCL

Use OpenCL when you have existing code in that language and when you need portability to multiple platforms and devices. It runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS, as well as a wide variety of hardware platforms (described above).

Anaconda Python With Numba

What is Anaconda? It’s a modern open-source analytics platform powered by Python. Continuum Analytics, a ROCm platform partner, is the driving force behind it. Anaconda delivers high-performance capabilities including acceleration of HSA APUs, as well as ROCm-enabled discrete GPUs via Numba. It gives superpowers to the people who are changing the world.


Numba gives you the power to speed up your applications with high-performance functions written directly in Python. Through a few annotations, you can just-in-time compile array-oriented and math-heavy Python code to native machine instructions---offering performance similar to that of C, C++ and Fortran---without having to switch languages or Python interpreters.

Numba works by generating optimized machine code using the LLVM compiler infrastructure at import time, run time or statically (through the included Pycc tool). It supports Python compilation to run on either CPU or GPU hardware and is designed to integrate with Python scientific software stacks, such as NumPy.

When to Use Anaconda

Use Anaconda when you’re handling large-scale data-analytics, scientific and engineering problems that require you to manipulate large data arrays.


From a high-level perspective, ROCm delivers a rich set of tools that allow you to choose the best language for your application.

HCC (Heterogeneous Compute Compiler) supports HC dialects HIP is a run-time library that layers on top of HCC (for AMD ROCm platforms; for Nvidia, it uses the NVCC compiler) The following will soon offer native compiler support for the GCN ISA: OpenCL 1.2+ Anaconda (Python) with Numba All are open-source projects, so you can employ a fully open stack from the language down to the metal. AMD is committed to providing an open ecosystem that gives developers the ability to choose; we are excited about innovating quickly using open source and about interacting closely with our developer community. More to come soon!

gstoner commented 7 years ago

I hope you're aware of all this documentation for now




GCN ISA, ROCm Object Format, ABI and Assembly Documentation

gstoner commented 7 years ago

Following with tradition of making this open source program all the documentation online. We are using Sphinx and Read the doc for the documentation.

The link to the ROCm Online Documentation while it under development. Where we have ROCm Github Documentation Source

boxerab commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I will RTFM :)

gstoner commented 7 years ago

That last link was to show where we going it still under constructions. The link above from ROCm Website are the best place away to start

boxerab commented 7 years ago

Great, thanks.

gstoner commented 7 years ago

Looks like OpenCL 1.2 getting cemented a little more in the business Google Rolled out OpenCL 1.2 on Vulkan with Codeplay's help. OpenCL 1.2 on Vulkan.

Interesting to see, since I help start Vulkan effort at Khronos group, pushing in the main proposal we called XGL.

boxerab commented 7 years ago

This is very good to see. I've heard rumours that OpenCL will merge into Vulkan. Creating something like Metal, only more powerful, and cross-platform.

gstoner commented 7 years ago

Looks to be a subset of OpenCL 1.2

boxerab commented 7 years ago

Here is the press release:

gstoner commented 7 years ago

Some notes on the clspv:


This is a prototype, with known issues. However, it does compile significant portions of kernels It uses close to top-of-tree versions of LLVM and Clang as third-party projects - this is not a fork It is mainly a set of LLVM module passes. The flow starts with the SPIR code generated from stock Clang, then massages it into SPIR-V for Vulkan It exercises SPV_KHR_variable_pointers (rev13)

jstefanop commented 7 years ago

@gstoner have the GCN/NCU Docs for Vegas architecture been release yet? Other than some high level slides and overview, I haven't been able to find any technical documents on Vegas NCU.

gstoner commented 7 years ago

It not out yet, it with the legal team for final review.

preda commented 7 years ago

The VEGA ISA link changed to:

pszi1ard commented 6 years ago

The VEGA ISA link changed to:

Dead link.

gstoner commented 6 years ago

@pszi1ard You now get the Vega ISA online here

robbert-harms commented 5 years ago

What is the current status of this? I am eager to use ROCm with OpenCL 2.2 for my applications.

oscarbg commented 5 years ago


SteveBronder commented 5 years ago


orz-- commented 4 years ago


Moading commented 4 years ago

+1 as HCC is dead. HIP is no industry tandard and might be deprecated tomorrow. In my opinion OpenCL is the way to go due to portability, especially when Intel enters the GPU market next year.

ekondis commented 4 years ago

SYCL is also an alternative as a single source C++ programming model for GPUs.

ROCmSupport commented 3 years ago

Thanks @nevion As its very old issue, and no updates for the last 2 years, this issue is going to be closed. Request to open a new ticket, if you found any. Thank you.

pszi1ard commented 3 years ago

Does this mean "#wontfix"?

ROCmSupport commented 3 years ago

Hi @pszi1ard As part of process improvement, we requested you to close very old(>2 years) open ticket. Request you to open a new ticket, if you still face the same/new problem, where you will get fast updates. Thank you.

mirh commented 3 years ago

The bot is kinda badly calibrated. It's true this issue is more than 2 years old, but it's false that no update happened in the last 2 years.