ROCm / aotriton

Ahead of Time (AOT) Triton Math Library
MIT License
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[Issues]: The Gap between AOT and JIT Triton on Flash Attention kernel #34

Open jinsong-mao opened 5 months ago

jinsong-mao commented 5 months ago

Suggestion Description

Thanks for this great work,

There is some perf gap between AOT and JIT Triton for flash attention on most seqlen, n_heads, head_dim We tried to tune the flash attention kernel and got some perf improvement on head_dim=128, However, it's still slower than JIT Triton kernel.

Looks their triton kernel tune space has some difference and this is the main difference we found. triton kernel tune space for aotriton - triton kernel tune space for jit triton -

Is there any other main difference that make JIT Triton faster than AOT triton FA kernel?

Operating System

ubuntu 22



ROCm Component