ROCm / clr

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[Issue]: HIP causes blender to freeze #45

Open Super-Pizza opened 5 months ago

Super-Pizza commented 5 months ago

Problem Description

i tried with the latest available on my system (5.7.1), and it causes blender to freeze when opening preferences or loading a .blend file. The process becomes unkillable, requiring a hard reset. I then downloaded the latest packages I could get on Arch Archive (6.0.0), and it causes the same issue when opening preferences or selecting "GPU Compute" on Render. And I also got a system freeze after adding the opencl runtime (6.0.0 too). The system freezes a few seconds after opening preferences, but the cursor still works?

Operating System

Manjaro Linux


Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz


AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT

ROCm Version

ROCm 5.7.1 and 6.0.0

ROCm Component


Steps to Reproduce

pacman -S rocm-hip-runtime open blender open edit > preferences

(Optional for Linux users) Output of /opt/rocm/bin/rocminfo --support

ROCk module is loaded
HSA System Attributes    
Runtime Version:         1.1
System Timestamp Freq.:  1000.000000MHz
Sig. Max Wait Duration:  18446744073709551615 (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) (timestamp count)
Machine Model:           LARGE                              
System Endianness:       LITTLE                             
Mwaitx:                  DISABLED
DMAbuf Support:          YES

HSA Agents               
Agent 1                  
  Name:                    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz
  Uuid:                    CPU-XX                             
  Marketing Name:          Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz
  Vendor Name:             CPU                                
  Feature:                 None specified                     
  Profile:                 FULL_PROFILE                       
  Float Round Mode:        NEAR                               
  Max Queue Number:        0(0x0)                             
  Queue Min Size:          0(0x0)                             
  Queue Max Size:          0(0x0)                             
  Queue Type:              MULTI                              
  Node:                    0                                  
  Device Type:             CPU                                
  Cache Info:              
    L1:                      32768(0x8000) KB                   
  Chip ID:                 0(0x0)                             
  ASIC Revision:           0(0x0)                             
  Cacheline Size:          64(0x40)                           
  Max Clock Freq. (MHz):   3600                               
  BDFID:                   0                                  
  Internal Node ID:        0                                  
  Compute Unit:            4                                  
  SIMDs per CU:            0                                  
  Shader Engines:          0                                  
  Shader Arrs. per Eng.:   0                                  
  WatchPts on Addr. Ranges:1                                  
  Features:                None
  Pool Info:               
    Pool 1                   
      Segment:                 GLOBAL; FLAGS: FINE GRAINED        
      Size:                    16232460(0xf7b00c) KB              
      Allocatable:             TRUE                               
      Alloc Granule:           4KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         4KB                                
      Accessible by all:       TRUE                               
    Pool 2                   
      Segment:                 GLOBAL; FLAGS: KERNARG, FINE GRAINED
      Size:                    16232460(0xf7b00c) KB              
      Allocatable:             TRUE                               
      Alloc Granule:           4KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         4KB                                
      Accessible by all:       TRUE                               
    Pool 3                   
      Segment:                 GLOBAL; FLAGS: COARSE GRAINED      
      Size:                    16232460(0xf7b00c) KB              
      Allocatable:             TRUE                               
      Alloc Granule:           4KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         4KB                                
      Accessible by all:       TRUE                               
  ISA Info:                
Agent 2                  
  Name:                    gfx1012                            
  Uuid:                    GPU-XX                             
  Marketing Name:          AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT              
  Vendor Name:             AMD                                
  Feature:                 KERNEL_DISPATCH                    
  Profile:                 BASE_PROFILE                       
  Float Round Mode:        NEAR                               
  Max Queue Number:        128(0x80)                          
  Queue Min Size:          64(0x40)                           
  Queue Max Size:          131072(0x20000)                    
  Queue Type:              MULTI                              
  Node:                    1                                  
  Device Type:             GPU                                
  Cache Info:              
    L1:                      16(0x10) KB                        
    L2:                      2048(0x800) KB                     
  Chip ID:                 29504(0x7340)                      
  ASIC Revision:           1(0x1)                             
  Cacheline Size:          64(0x40)                           
  Max Clock Freq. (MHz):   1900                               
  BDFID:                   768                                
  Internal Node ID:        1                                  
  Compute Unit:            22                                 
  SIMDs per CU:            2                                  
  Shader Engines:          1                                  
  Shader Arrs. per Eng.:   2                                  
  WatchPts on Addr. Ranges:4                                  
  Coherent Host Access:    FALSE                              
  Features:                KERNEL_DISPATCH 
  Fast F16 Operation:      TRUE                               
  Wavefront Size:          32(0x20)                           
  Workgroup Max Size:      1024(0x400)                        
  Workgroup Max Size per Dimension:
    x                        1024(0x400)                        
    y                        1024(0x400)                        
    z                        1024(0x400)                        
  Max Waves Per CU:        40(0x28)                           
  Max Work-item Per CU:    1280(0x500)                        
  Grid Max Size:           4294967295(0xffffffff)             
  Grid Max Size per Dimension:
    x                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
    y                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
    z                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
  Max fbarriers/Workgrp:   32                                 
  Packet Processor uCode:: 146                                
  SDMA engine uCode::      41                                 
  IOMMU Support::          None                               
  Pool Info:               
    Pool 1                   
      Segment:                 GLOBAL; FLAGS: COARSE GRAINED      
      Size:                    8372224(0x7fc000) KB               
      Allocatable:             TRUE                               
      Alloc Granule:           4KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         4KB                                
      Accessible by all:       FALSE                              
    Pool 2                   
      Segment:                 GLOBAL; FLAGS: EXTENDED FINE GRAINED
      Size:                    8372224(0x7fc000) KB               
      Allocatable:             TRUE                               
      Alloc Granule:           4KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         4KB                                
      Accessible by all:       FALSE                              
    Pool 3                   
      Segment:                 GROUP                              
      Size:                    64(0x40) KB                        
      Allocatable:             FALSE                              
      Alloc Granule:           0KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         0KB                                
      Accessible by all:       FALSE                              
  ISA Info:                
    ISA 1                    
      Name:                    amdgcn-amd-amdhsa--gfx1012:xnack-  
      Machine Models:          HSA_MACHINE_MODEL_LARGE            
      Profiles:                HSA_PROFILE_BASE                   
      Default Rounding Mode:   NEAR                               
      Default Rounding Mode:   NEAR                               
      Fast f16:                TRUE                               
      Workgroup Max Size:      1024(0x400)                        
      Workgroup Max Size per Dimension:
        x                        1024(0x400)                        
        y                        1024(0x400)                        
        z                        1024(0x400)                        
      Grid Max Size:           4294967295(0xffffffff)             
      Grid Max Size per Dimension:
        x                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
        y                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
        z                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
      FBarrier Max Size:       32                                 
*** Done ***

Additional Information

No response

Super-Pizza commented 5 months ago

Not sure if that's useful, but

$ uname -r