ROCm / hipfort

Fortran interfaces for ROCm libraries
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[discussion] Backend-specific interfaces #5

Open domcharrier opened 4 years ago

domcharrier commented 4 years ago


HIP and CUDA Fortran interfaces need to be bound to different symbols (cuda/cu... for CUDA and roc/hip... for HIP) (see hipMalloc example in 1.1).

Some datatypes differ for the backends, e.g. CUDA has integer-type stream handles while a stream is a datastructure in HIP, which we model as type(c_ptr) in the Fortran interface.


We can tackle this with two different approaches; see below. The hip.f module in the repository currently follows approach 1. I would prefer approach 2 because it directly mirrors the structure of the header files in the /opt/rocm/include/hip folder, where we have hcc_detail and nvcc_detail headers. Moreover, it is easier to account for differences in the function argument types.

(As we will automatically generate all interfaces, we do not expect that one approach requires more time to realize than the other.)

1. Single module with ifdefs per function signature:

module hip

     function hipMalloc(ptr,sizeBytes) bind(c, name="cudaMalloc")
     function hipMalloc(ptr,sizeBytes) bind(c, name="hipMalloc")
       use iso_c_binding
       use hip_enums
       implicit none
       integer(kind(hipSuccess)) :: hipMalloc
       type(c_ptr) :: ptr
       integer(c_size_t), value :: sizeBytes
     end function hipMalloc

     ! ...
     ! ...
     ! ...
end module hip

2. Backend-specific modules (hcc_detail vs nvcc_detail) as in the HIP headers:

module hip
     use hip_nvcc
     use hip_hcc
end module hip
module hip_nvcc
     function hipMalloc(ptr,sizeBytes) bind(c, name="cudaMalloc")
     ! ...
     ! ...
     ! ... 
end module hip_nvcc

Please vote for one approach in the comment section.

domcharrier commented 4 years ago

Like if you prefer approach 1.

domcharrier commented 4 years ago

Like if you prefer approach 2.

gregrodgers commented 4 years ago

This is a great question. Neither option is more difficult for the programmer. They just "use hip". It would seem that the first option opens up more chance of divergence in capability which could limit portability.

Right now there really is no wrapper function, because the few HIP apis we have are just name changes. The architecture of hipfort allows compiled logic if necessary to emulate the hip function. As we get more hip API coverage, I expect to see more complexity in the differences. As such it would be good to keep the functional components together. For example, implementing hip with level 0 may look entirely different. So I am leaning to option 2 but easily swayed.

USE_CUDA_NAMES is probably a bad macro name choice because it is binary and hip may be desired on other GPUs.

gregrodgers commented 4 years ago

Sorry, option 1 is the one that would keep the functional items together. That would be my preference as differences become more complex.

fluidnumerics-joe commented 4 years ago

I think we should open up a branch with option 2 and build community experience with both options and gain feedback from end users before committing to a resolution of this issue. As a contributor to this repository and as a hipfort user, I would prefer option 1 so that I don't have to add CPP flag option complexity to my application's build systems.

This being said, more input from hipfort users should be taken into consideration to help resolve this issue.