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Find CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR using clang -print-resource-dir #70

Open littlewu2508 opened 1 month ago

littlewu2508 commented 1 month ago

Continuation of

lamb-j commented 1 month ago

Thanks for adding!

Testing this with internal CI, will report back with results

lamb-j commented 1 week ago

Getting this error on Windows:

2024-05-15 19:53:35 FAILED: tools/comgr/opencl1.2-c.pch C:/mlse/drivers/compute/build/native/Release/x64/lc/tools/comgr/opencl1.2-c.pch 2024-05-15 19:53:35 cmd.exe /C "cd /D C:\mlse\drivers\compute\build\native\Release\x64\lc\tools\comgr && C:\mlse\drivers\compute\build\native\Release\x64\lc\bin\clang.exe -cc1 -x cl-header -triple amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -Werror -O3 -Dcl_khr_fp64 -Dcl_khr_fp16 -DNDEBUG -cl-std=CL1.2 -emit-pch -o C:/mlse/drivers/compute/build/native/Release/x64/lc/tools/comgr/opencl1.2-c.pch <"2024-05-15 19:53:35 The syntax of the command is incorrect.

Apparently "The syntax of the command is incorrect" is a Windows error on invalid file copy/move/rename. So I'm guessing either CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR or OPENCL_C_H are empty?

Any ideas? Should we condition this on NOT WIN32? Also wondering if we may want to keep some of the error checking

lamb-j commented 1 week ago

FYI I did land this internally, but then had to revert due to the error above, so we can keep using this PR to discuss - [Comgr] Find CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR using clang -print-resource-dir - Revert "[Comgr] Find CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR using clang -print-resource-dir"