ROCm / roctracer

ROCm Tracer Callback/Activity Library for Performance tracing AMD GPUs
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Interface proposal : pull request 1 #57

Open yoann-heitz opened 2 years ago

yoann-heitz commented 2 years ago

This is the first pull request for the proposal for a plugin interface for the rocprof command. It fixes an issue that made the fine-grained control unusable and adds a buffer mechanism when tracing KFD API, as for HSA and HIP APIs.

Warning : When using fine-grained control, only some functions (those specified by the user) will be traced. It may lead to crashes at the post-processing step (conversion from text to JSON/SQLITE) since the conversion scripts require data from the payloads of events triggered by specific functions and users may disable the callbacks for these functions. However, the text files obtained with the -d option will not be corrupted and contain only the events specified by the user