ROCm / roctracer

ROCm Tracer Callback/Activity Library for Performance tracing AMD GPUs
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Interface proposal : pull request 3 #59

Open yoann-heitz opened 2 years ago

yoann-heitz commented 2 years ago

This is the third pull request for the proposal for a plugin interface for the rocprof command. In this pull request, the signatures of the flushing functions are standardized for every API/kind of event.

The signatures of all flushing functions are now of this kind : void \<API>_flush_cb( \<API>_trace_entry_t *entry) Where \<API> is the kind of event or API that is traced and \<API>_trace_entry_t is a wrapping data structure containing the payloads of the traced events.

Relative to the second pull request, this one starts at commit 77d23b6