ROCm / roctracer

ROCm Tracer Callback/Activity Library for Performance tracing AMD GPUs
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`stream__val` value for `hipStreamCreate*` gives invalid values #78

Open bertwesarg opened 1 year ago

bertwesarg commented 1 year ago

The arguments for these callbacks include .stream and .stream__val. Based on /opt/rocm-5.2.0/include/hip/hcc_detail/hip_prof_str.h .stream__val should be the value when dereferencing .stream in the EXIT phase. Though I get different values between *.stream and .stream__val for all hipStreamCreate* functions.

An example:

the callback sees the following values in the EXIT phase:

The caller of hipStreamCreate sees this value: 0x2379830

Can someone sched some light on the difference. Thanks.