MapLoom is a web mapping client based on OpenLayers 3. It provides full-featured editing capabilities for data stores in GeoServer - including PostGIS and GeoGig. For GeoGig layers, it lets you view history, and sync with other GeoGig repositories
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Showing changes after adding a new layer produces errors #155

Open BirdSamuel opened 9 years ago

BirdSamuel commented 9 years ago

This may have to do with having no previous commit to check against, but the steps to reproduce are: In my case, I used Solo_Americas1 (Has time, and added around 50 features when summarized).

The error returned is:

The following script error has occurred: "message not string. view console for object detail". 
It is recommended that you reload the web page to resolve any potential complications."

This was in the console:

==== onErrorCallback, error msg: x.Event 
date: e
isTrigger: 3
jQuery203023847601166926324: true
namespace: "dp"
namespace_re: /(^|\.)dp(\.|$)/
result: undefined
timeStamp: 1440442878627
type: "error"
__proto__: Object

---- MapService.zoomToExtent. extent:  [-8333613.999719, 4451757.400395413, -7622114.452400868, 4641665.891800598]