ROOTPWA is a toolkit for partial-wave analysis of multi-particle final states produced in high-energy particle reactions. It is used to determine hadron spectra from experimental data.
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Getting started with ROOTPWA #192

Open gioveneziano opened 7 years ago

gioveneziano commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

I am interested in using this tool for partial wave analyses at LHCb. I was able to compile the master branch on lxplus in the LHCb environment, but now I have absolutely no idea how to proceed. Where should I start from ? Is there any kind of small tutorial ?

Thank you for any possible help, and apologies if this question does not belong to the "Issues" section


mmikhasenko commented 6 years ago

Hi, I also just started to play with the ROOTPWA. @stefan-wallner suggested looking at the script test/ The script is supposed to generate 3pi phase space MC data sample. I agree that some tutorials would be useful.