ROOTPWA is a toolkit for partial-wave analysis of multi-particle final states produced in high-energy particle reactions. It is used to determine hadron spectra from experimental data.
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pyInterface: Additional functionality of the multiBin class #226

Closed stefan-wallner closed 7 years ago

stefan-wallner commented 7 years ago

Implement hash function for the multiBin class, such that it can be used as key in a dict. Additionally, the printing of the multiBin class is improved. Implement fetching of a sub-bin. Implement 'A in B' operator if bin A is contained in bin B. Remove restriction that a multiBin must have at least one variable (this restriction, if needed, should be implemented in the config file) Remove constrain that a the boundaries of a multi-bin cannot be equal, because this is needed if we have only the bin-center information available (e.g. old version of fitResult class).