ROOTPWA is a toolkit for partial-wave analysis of multi-particle final states produced in high-energy particle reactions. It is used to determine hadron spectra from experimental data.
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Add NLopt and analytical calculation of the Hessian matrix. #65
Add the half-Cauchy prior as option to pwaLikelihood
Add the analytical calculation of the Hessian matrix to pwaLikelihood
Solve the problem of ambiguous solutions (sign of flat wave and anchor wave amplitudes) by flipping signs so the real part of the anchor wave(s) and the flat wave are always positive
Make it possible to use the analytical calculation of the Hessian to check if all its eigenvalues are bigger than zero (ensuring the the extremum found is indeed a maximum)
Add the NLopt package as optional external dependency
Add pwaNloptFit to fit using NLopt
As NLopt does not calculate errors, use the analytical covariance matrix to determine errors
pwaNloptFit supports saving "small" fit result files, where no covariance or integral matrices are saved to disk
Most of these commits should be ported to the master branch after it has been integrated to v2.
Most of these commits should be ported to the master branch after it has been integrated to v2.