ROOTPWA is a toolkit for partial-wave analysis of multi-particle final states produced in high-energy particle reactions. It is used to determine hadron spectra from experimental data.
ignore warnings concerning ignored qualifiers while building the ROOT dictionaries (for ROOTv5 only)
test whether the compiler understands thread_local (independent from using -std=c++11) because Apple does not support thread_local yet
remove one test and definition not used anymore
add BAT and NLopt to 'printLibraryInfo'
add a function to the partialWaveFitHelper to extract Eigenvalues and -vectors from covariance and Hessian matrices taking into account fixed parameters, use this across the code; enable 'eigenvectorLikelihoodSlices' to (properly; i.e. no bogus plots for the last eigenvalues) work with fixed parameters
draw parabolas in 'eigenvectorLikelihoodSlices'
clean the code reading and writing the configuration file of the resonance fit
be less paranoid about the in memory configuration changing while running, this should never happen
put the functionality needed to read extra information from one decay channel into an own method, not to have it implemented multiple times (e.g., for 'decaychannels' and 'extradecaychannels'), also in 'init' of the individual components it is no longer necessary to loop over the 'decaychannels' again
change to format of the parameters of the final-state mass-dependence in the configuration file to be more like the one of components, e.g.:
do not define the five arrays for one component each, but one (libconfig) group per parameter with its own set of (the up to six) variables for one parameter
only 'val' and 'fix' need to be given
all other parameters ('lower', 'upper', 'step', 'error') are read when they are available
obviously this requires old files to be updated, it has been done for the example file in the repository