ROS-Aerial / aerial_robotic_landscape

Documents describing the aerial robotic landscape
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Get viewer statistics #46

Closed knmcguire closed 1 week ago

knmcguire commented 3 weeks ago

It would be nice to see how many people come to the website. However, it would be nice to do this completely cookieless... We are not going to use this data except for seeing how popular the website is and it would be nice to do it without the cookie notice.

I use goatcounter for my personal website, which is open-source as well and doesn't track any personal data.

TOTON95 commented 3 weeks ago

I haven't seen in detail how it works, but after a quick view, I like that it does not require much to get it into the site, just adding the line to the mkdocs.yml file.

knmcguire commented 3 weeks ago

We need to change a bit more to the project, but these are the instructions to do that: Shouldn't be difficult?

TOTON95 commented 3 weeks ago

@knmcguire we can go for that way or also add any extra js entries to mkdocs.yml, although I understand that it's for more general purposes.

knmcguire commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm that might be way easier though. It's supposed to be only one line anyway. I guess you are referring to the extra_javascript field?

TOTON95 commented 3 weeks ago

@knmcguire yes! it's that one.

knmcguire commented 1 week ago

solved with this PR