Red Dead Redemption crashes as soon as the main menu appears with amdvlk64.dll error. With debug output enabled, the following lines appear in console as it crashes:
·E 0:01:26.498220 {rsx::thread} RSX: ERROR: [THREADING] Code 1 : Object: 0x4cd57 | THREADING ERROR : object of type VkFence is simultaneously used in thread 3012 and thread 10220
·E 0:01:26.498235 {rsx::thread} RSX: ERROR: [ObjectTracker] Code 704677889 : Object: 0x4cd57 | Invalid Fence Object 0x4cd57. The spec valid usage text states 'fence must be a valid VkFence handle' (
Managed to narrow down the PR which caused it, 6866 (3d632a3) can reach menu just fine while 6869 (cf2cb79) crashes as soon as it appears, which means that #4671 is the suspect. I tested with latest version (6884 / dcd7f442f) but the same crash appears, so it's not related to the memory leak issue that was fixed after that PR.
Red Dead Redemption crashes as soon as the main menu appears with amdvlk64.dll error. With debug output enabled, the following lines appear in console as it crashes:
Managed to narrow down the PR which caused it, 6866 (3d632a3) can reach menu just fine while 6869 (cf2cb79) crashes as soon as it appears, which means that #4671 is the suspect. I tested with latest version (6884 / dcd7f442f) but the same crash appears, so it's not related to the memory leak issue that was fixed after that PR.
Full log. This is on RX 480 8GB.
Edit: OpenGL is not affected.