RPCS3 / rpcs3

PS3 emulator/debugger
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rsx: MGS4 fixes #6388

Closed kd-11 closed 4 years ago

kd-11 commented 4 years ago
AniLeo commented 4 years ago

Fixes Lord of the Rings: Conquest, excellent :+1:



kd-11 commented 4 years ago

NOTE: This branch requires https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/pull/6376 to be merged first to resolve some unrelated bugs in master. Without the fixes rpcs3 may crash or have unexpected graphics glitches.

Xcedf commented 4 years ago

Not only MGS4, MGSV Ground Zeroes showing graphics now 12

digitaldude555 commented 4 years ago

Screenshot (491) Infamous glide graphics changed.

Whatcookie commented 4 years ago

Fixes some issues in ninja gaiden games:

Fixed waterfall being drawn ontop of other stuff

NGS2 Master ![screenshot-2019_08_21_14_10_33](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26352541/63458267-80c67c80-c420-11e9-83b9-f66dba74e2cb.png) PR ![screenshot-2019_08_21_13_52_24](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26352541/63458273-84f29a00-c420-11e9-8546-268be9cf3ab9.png)

Fixed depth of field

NG3:RE Master ![screenshot-2019_08_21_14_06_06](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26352541/63458303-9340b600-c420-11e9-9a14-e81dc7346288.png) PR ![screenshot-2019_08_21_13_41_57](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26352541/63458313-98056a00-c420-11e9-9e7f-1d87ee7b7c4f.png)
Asinin3 commented 4 years ago

There are currently some major issues in a lot of games including Persona 5, I'd advise testers to wait for new commits before testing games other than MGS4.

newDevPL commented 4 years ago

MGS 4 is crashing when you select difficulty level. This is with SPU cache enabled. With cache disabled you can get all the way to the "war has changed" bit but there is no sound and it crashes right away. Let me know if you need any logs etc. Or if you want me to try different settings

i7 5820 GTX 1070 16GB RAM SSD Windows 10 1903

kd-11 commented 4 years ago

Graphics problems in the other games should be fixed now.

Snakegodeater commented 4 years ago

MGS 4 is crashing when you select difficulty level. This is with SPU cache enabled. With cache disabled you can get all the way to the "war has changed" bit but there is no sound and it crashes right away. Let me know if you need any logs etc. Or if you want me to try different settings

i7 5820 GTX 1070 16GB RAM SSD Windows 10 1903

Yah the game had issues for me too With SPU LLVM and With SPU ASMJIT too. Even with the previews weeks builds . On Asmij you get no sound In-game but u can play A little before it Freezes The emulator. With SPU LLVM U get crashes when u enter the game. For a few minutes but with sound . Then when u restart the emulator and the game it just Freezes on Difficulty selection !

newDevPL commented 4 years ago

Looks like it fixed one issue from GT6 The text now appear with reflection instead of the glitched look PR image MASTER image

Snakegodeater commented 4 years ago

Tried SPU LLVM and ASMJiT On MGS4 Demo i get This Error F {RSX [0x0d0575c]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Unknown index array type 116 (in file c:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\gcm_enums.cpp:27) On latest comit
4790k+R9 380 Graphics although seems fixed Maybe this commit needs to be Merged as KD-11 Said

incognitoh commented 4 years ago

slight regression: The Bigs 2

Master: bigsmster

PR: bigsmgs4

basically some square shadows appear that shouldnt be there..and I did clear the cache before testing.

gpu: gtx1070

incognitoh commented 4 years ago

Bigs 2 (and a couple others) now fixed with RPCS3 v0.0.6-7bd329e0. thanks

MarioSonic2987 commented 4 years ago

Fixes excessive blur in Just Cause 2.

Before: image

After: image

jenci8888 commented 4 years ago

Blur game "blur" has been fixed on the latest commit! (Needs WCB, RCB and WDB) It ran full or 3/4 speed with less framerate (I don't know why) compared to master EDIT: Sorry It was wrong, It's Dynamic FPS. (my bad.) image

kd-11 commented 4 years ago

Did a partial revert on the fix. This PR has been relegated to WIP pending more hardware test results.

dyno0 commented 4 years ago

This PR affects The Evil Within white screen without forcing CPU blit emulation (still needs WCB). On master build the white screen is consistent, where on this PR it occasionally renders the whole image for a split second, in menu and ingame.

stride21 commented 4 years ago

Before: before battlefield After: bf pr fire

arcadee1977 commented 4 years ago

Also fixed NGS2 water surface effect 👍 BEFORE:


AFTER: 未标题-1

BEFORE: 未标题-4

AFTER: 未标题-2

Xcedf commented 4 years ago

GoW 3 Regression; previously was in this PR than it was fixed by 87bb9cb, now it regressed back after f6322cb Before: screenshot-2019_08_21_23_27_31 After: screenshot-2019_08_21_23_24_26

Asinin3 commented 4 years ago

kd had to re-break some of the fixes he made to bring back fixed shadows in MGS4. He said he will look at it some more tomorrow. Currently Ni No Kuni and Persona 5 have regressed back to the way it was in earlier commits as well. But most of the regressions are fixed.

kd-11 commented 4 years ago

@Xcedf Retry with the newest commit. After running some more tests, it appears the extra texture register 9 behaves differently depending on how it is used. Attempting to load its contents into other registers does not work (always returns vector4(0, 0, 0, 1)) but if used with a sampling instruction the texture unit is able to access it. Likely a hardware bug or a provisioning to zero initialize a register, but likely just a hw bug lol. NOPE, register works fine, I'm an idiot :p

Xcedf commented 4 years ago

@kd-11, not fixed unfortunately.

kd-11 commented 4 years ago

Ok, I think I know what's wrong.

Kennedy88 commented 4 years ago

Fixes Siren blood curse

Before CRrMHgt

After k10kA2r

legend800 commented 4 years ago

Looks like this PR affects this issue: https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/issues/6304 The headlights are broken on Master but outright missing on this PR.

Master: master master3

PR: pr1 pr2

Real: rea

kd-11 commented 4 years ago

Pushed commit to try and match hardware more closely. Breaks shadows in mgs4 again, but all the other regressions should be fixed. If this proves to not break any games a workaround for mgs4 will be made available.

Xcedf commented 4 years ago

@kd-11 GoW3 refixed, and MGS4 have black shadows again as you said, but in Killzone 2 main menu now balck screen with sound and subtitles are blacked out, same issue in TLoU and Uncharted 3 screenshot-2019_08_23_21_06_02 screenshot-2019_08_23_21_12_18 screenshot-2019_08_23_21_12_31

kd-11 commented 4 years ago

Minor bug with some registers. I'm trying to get it sorted out.

Snakegodeater commented 4 years ago

Nothing ! MGS4 on Latest PR Still Crashes on SPU LLVM On my R9 380 .Also no audio and when i try to load a level the Display driver crashes when compiling Shaders when the game tries to install the chapter

incognitoh commented 4 years ago

The entire MLB the Show series now have a completely black screen for the intros and menus. Here is a pic of the main menu of MLB 16 but the entire series of The Show seems to be affected. MLB

But The Bigs 2 bug mentioned earlier is fixed again.

incognitoh commented 4 years ago

MLB the Shows are now fixed, TTT2 text is also fixed.

Xcedf commented 4 years ago

Regressions are fixed.

Snakegodeater commented 4 years ago

Can u test with AMD Graphics Hw ??still getting the same issues with MGS4. Is it poor AMD drivers or another problem like SPU LLVM OR ASMJIT Recompiler ?

Asinin3 commented 4 years ago

@Snakegodeater All your posts here are unrelated to this Pull Request and belong on our Discord's #help channel. Issues with the game not booting and such have nothing to do with the graphical improvements kd-11 is making here. https://discord.me/rpcs3

stride21 commented 4 years ago

Some of the textures in Motorstorm are no longer white. Before: before After: after

legend800 commented 4 years ago

Motorstorm Apocalypse: Headlights still no longer render on PR (render but broken on Master). I'm personally fine with it (prefer none to broken), but just any FYI.

Motorstorm 1: Appears broken. I get a fatal error (3/3 times) when starting a race.

2019-08-23 19_25_00-Window


Note: No change to the existing "strips issue" on the track texture: 2019-08-23 19_28_52-Window

stride21 commented 4 years ago

I tested the same race 10 times clearing the shader cache each time and only had it crash once. I'll add a log just to show settings and PC specs. RPCS3.log.gz

spyropt commented 4 years ago

i am getting out of memory in mgs4 and garbled image RPCS3.log.gz image

13xforever commented 4 years ago

You have gtx 760 with only 2 gb of vram

spyropt commented 4 years ago

You have gtx 760 with only 2 gb of vram

you are telling me that i need more than 2gb vram buffer? or does it have a leak somewher? since it goes from 600/700mb to 2gb in a second

Edit on a 970 gtx ryzen 3600 the vram spikes to 2.4gb but normal usage seems to stay in the 1.4/1.5gb mark


kd-11 commented 4 years ago

Its a spike that happens when the engine is reconfiguring itself for ingame. Basically throws the surface cache out of balance for a moment but then the garbage collection kicks in and does recover most of the VRAM wasted.

kd-11 commented 4 years ago

@stride21 @legend800 Any special settings used? It (motorstorm) runs fine on my end with no errors from the validation layers. If you can make it crash, do so with SDK debug output enabled so I can try and fix it.

xYaroslavGTx commented 4 years ago

Fixed menu displaying. image

stride21 commented 4 years ago

Motorstorm is consistently crashing while compiling shaders on start up when testing the recent commit. RPCS3.zip

Xcedf commented 4 years ago

Found a little difference in MGS4: on older version of this PR with working shadows i have this, screenshot-2019_08_24_19_15_27 in motion the edges of poligons become visible Current PR shadows black but this scene looks fine screenshot-2019_08_24_19_23_08

legend800 commented 4 years ago

@stride21 @kd-11 I just updated to latest build, played Motorstorm (full race), no crashes. Cleared shader cache, played again, no crashes. Same settings as before. Not sure if the changes fixed it or it's just a timing/race condition thing.


Emulator-Team-2 commented 4 years ago

@kd-11 Most games crashes on the latest build while shaders is compiling.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations

[Vulkan] ``` [Vulkan] E {RSX [0x0000000]} RSX: ERROR: 0:161: '=' : cannot convert from ' const 4-component vector of float' to ' global 4-component vector of float16_t' ERROR: 0:161: '' : compilation terminated ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated. E {RSX [0x0000000]} RSX: F {RSX [0x0000000]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Failed to compile fragment shader (in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\VK\VKHelpers.h:3153) ```

Log: RPCS3-VK.zip

[OpenGL] ``` [OpenGL] E {RSX Decompiler Thread} RSX: Failed to compile shader: 0(219) : error C1038: declaration of "wpos" conflicts with previous declaration at 0(218) ```

Log: RPCS3-GL.zip


[Vulkan] ``` [Vulkan] {RSX Decompiler Thread} RSX: ERROR: 0:183: '=' : cannot convert from ' const 4-component vector of float' to ' global 4-component vector of float16_t' ERROR: 0:183: '' : compilation terminated ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated. E {RSX Decompiler Thread} RSX: F {RSX Decompiler Thread} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Failed to compile fragment shader (in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\VK\VKHelpers.h:3153) ```

Log: RPCS3-VK.zip

[OpenGL] ``` [OpenGL] F {RSX [0x0000000]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Unknown register name: fogc (in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\GL\GLCommonDecompiler.cpp:35) ```

Log: RPCS3-GL.zip

inFamous Demo

[Vulkan] ``` [Vulkan] {RSX Decompiler Thread} RSX: ERROR: 0:156: '=' : cannot convert from ' const 4-component vector of float' to ' global 4-component vector of float16_t' ERROR: 0:156: '' : compilation terminated ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated. E {RSX Decompiler Thread} RSX: F {RSX Decompiler Thread} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Failed to compile fragment shader (in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\VK\VKHelpers.h:3153) ```

Log: RPCS3-VK.zip

[OpenGL] ``` [OpenGL] E {RSX Decompiler Thread} RSX: Failed to compile shader: 0(151) : error C1038: declaration of "ssa" conflicts with previous declaration at 0(150) ```

Log: RPCS3-GL.zip

kd-11 commented 4 years ago

Crashes for GPUs with native fp16 has been fixed. Also added some new findings on register behavior, but I don't expect they will change much.

Emulator-Team-2 commented 4 years ago

Naruto, inFamous Demo and MGS4-Demo in Vulkan are fixed now in the latest commit.

But OpenGL still crashes with with the same error in MGS4-Demo: F {RSX [0x0000000]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Unknown register name: fogc (in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\GL\GLCommonDecompiler.cpp:35)

Log: RPCS3-GL.zip

Edit: Fixed in the latest build: [e664d6d2].