RPCS3 / rpcs3

PS3 emulator/debugger
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Gran Turismo 5 [BCUS98114] Locks up without any error in the console ( desynchronisation of the emulator ) #6427

Closed SKYMEE1 closed 2 years ago

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago


Operation System: Windows 10 1903

I7 5930K, 16GB Ram, GTX 1080 Ti

23.11.2020 (dd/mm/yy)

The game locks up when starting a race or a few seconds in the race.


AMD Ryzen 5 5600x, 16GB Ram ( same as before ), GTX 1080 Ti

First i'll explain what happens to the game. When I start a race I can drive normally but then after 15 seconds or 1 minute and more it will lock up. Sometimes I can finish a race but this is very rare. Also as I mentioned there is no error in the console it's usually compiling something and then nothing happens anymore. It's like someone pushed the pause button. The spectators of the race are still moving but the cars stopped, the sound stopped and nothing is reacting.

(And btw I want to mention that while first loading up the game it will crash on certain points like the start menu and loading a race but restarting the emulator and loading it the second time fixes it. If you want the logs for this issue too I can provide them but first I have to reproduce the issue)

Here is the log file of the game freezing while in a race. Maybe there is something in there indicating what the problem is.

I want this game to be playable so bad. It's very close just some minor graphic glitches, the game freezing and the loading thing ( i can life with restarting the game ) but when this is fixed it's 100% playable!


aka2k commented 4 years ago

I've been having the same issues post the MGS build. Also, GT6 is almost unplayable with fatal errors and varied lock-ups regardless of the build.

Windows 10, i7-5775C@3.8Ghz, 16Gb DDR3, AMD Rx580.


SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

Yes, in Gran Turismo 6 I also experienced the same lock up issue as in Gran Turismo 5 but I didn't wanted to mention it because GT 6 has way more problems than GT 5.

aka2k commented 4 years ago

Yes, in Gran Turismo 6 I also experienced the same lock up issue as in Gran Turismo 5 but I didn't wanted to mention it because GT 6 has way more problems than GT 5.

Weirdly enough, GT6 for me ran with very little issues until that July build that broke compatibility. Now it's a complete mess, even without sound and fatal errors all the time.

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

Well to their credit, most games were so glitched like gt5 an so on it was a pain to play them and now they look good an run smoother. Fps were so low I couldn't even race properly. It's not like they won't fix these issues and when they do they created the one and only ps3 Emulator in the world.

(Btw help them out on patreon like I do with only one dollar a month. 1 dollar is not much but when a lot of people support them like this they can afford what they need to get this Emulator up and running properly)

aka2k commented 4 years ago

Well to their credit, most games were so glitched like gt5 an so on it was a pain to play them and now they look good an run smoother. Fps were so low I couldn't even race properly. It's not like they won't fix these issues and when they do they created the one and only ps3 Emulator in the world.

(Btw help them out on patreon like I do with only one dollar a month. 1 dollar is not much but when a lot of people support them like this they can afford what they need to get this Emulator up and running properly)

I'm not complaining at all about the state of GT series or even demanding anything. The RPCS3 team is very generous to share their work for free with us. I just thought to give them a heads up. Either way, I'm finding this issue a little weird, because now I'm having the same problem with older builds. I'll investigate my stuff a bit more thoroughly.

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

Then I think that you just took the folder hhd0 and put it in the folder from another version... What you have to do is just put the games from the disc folder in every updated version of the Emulator. Save games, updates etc are gone this way but you have to do this so you don't have old data from the previous builds that the Emulator will load. When you try out gt 5 in an old build like that you will see the bugs from those builds.

Eeveelution commented 4 years ago

GT6 Freezes in the Intro race for me, nothing in the Log or anything. Just Locks up,

aka2k commented 4 years ago

I've tried to reinstall a fresh copy of an old RPCS3 build. Patched GT6 to 1.05, lock up the same way as the newer builds do. Tried to run on Linux with a proper build, same lock up. It's puzzling me now.

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

My friend has a ryzen 3600 and could play gt 6 with the build: 0.0.6-8413. With my i7 5930k the GUI of the race loaded but it was all black and bugged out.

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

I have same problem too! GT5 just locks up i see creating RSX shaders and screen is frozen without any of errors.

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

Just found it frezzes when i get this RSX: BRK opcode found outside of a loop so idk what is happening game runs in menu 60fps and in race from 30-60 fps.

kd-11 commented 4 years ago

As I said in the other issue, that usually means the emulator desynchronized (already dead) but RSX does not know this and tries to keep running. Same thing with the '406e semaphore timed out' error.

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

Is there any kind of solution for desynchronized?

MSuih commented 4 years ago

The solution is to locate the code which causes desynchronization and synchronize it with f.ex a synchronization lock. Preferably in a way which doesn't degrade performance.

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

Right now I can't even get into a race. It's always crashing. I am not at home but later I can tell what it says. Maybe my PC hardware is causing the issue because of a feature that's not enabled on haswell based CPUs maybe not. It's called TSX. I'm questioning myself if this would cause any issues like crashing etc.

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

I have a same issue @skymee1 it's not a hardware. It crashes all the time it's very anoying.Even i can't go in garage to select a car it gives me Error every time Mem:Acess violation reading location 0x0

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

Yes it's something like that but also another crash. I will post it when I get home.

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

When i boot the game and the emulator wants to load the menu then there is this error showing up:

U {PPU[0x100002d] Thread (libpace-comm) [0x01a55d28]} sceNp TODO: sceNpManagerGetStatus(status=*0xd017dc00) x19

The number stacks up infinite and at this point it was at x19. After another boot everthing loads normal but the error still appears but nothing is hanging up in the menu.

Then when I load a race this error comes up and all stops:

F {RSX [0x1275d58]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Assertion Failed! Vulkan API call failed with unrecoverable error: Device lost (Driver crashed with unspecified error or stopped responding and recovered) (VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST) (in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\VK\VKHelpers.h:1052)

Maybe it will help.

aka2k commented 4 years ago

Try turning off RSX Multithread on the GPU tab. Should fix GT5 errors. Also, GT6 needs the SPU block set to Safe in addition of the Multithread option. Performance hit is noticeable in GT6, but not extreme. GT5 doesn't seem to have any significant performance drop with this setting.

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

Okay I will try that tomorrow but in the end it will still lock up... Sad story for the little child in me that just wants to play GT 5 in 1440p..

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

It will lock up believe me i try it today 10 hours every settings and it always locks up :/ I feel you man i have that little child too inside me :( We need to believe and have hope KD-11 fix it cuz he is like a Super hero for all of us <3

aka2k commented 4 years ago

Okay I will try that tomorrow but in the end it will still lock up... Sad story for the little child in me that just wants to play GT 5 in 1440p..

Btw, try to run the BCES00569 version of the game. This BCUS98114 is incredibly unstable for me as well, crashing all the time regardless of what settings I use.

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

I can't get my hand's on BCES00569 and what I saw it's the Academy edition so not the right one I guess.

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

Academy edition for me crashes on intro everytime.Now i have same issue on GT5 and GT6 with Brk opcode happens everytime

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

Idk is it helps but before a game crashes i see error E {SPU[0x2000002] Thread (PDICellSpursKernel2) [0x127ac]} SPU: Trampoline simplified at ??? (level=1) and than a game frezzes that happens like 80% of time

aka2k commented 4 years ago

I've used this build and, somehow, GT6 felt a little more stable. It crashed eventually, but it took quite a while. Managed to do 6 laps on Tsukuba w/o any problems. Crashed only when trying to load Le Mans. I've enabled the RSX Multithread, tried again and it crashed right away when entering a time trial session at Tsukuba, no soft lock tho.


kd-11 commented 4 years ago

The multithreaded RSX lockup was fixed, please retry. Things may have improved somewhat.

kd-11 commented 4 years ago

@Wizzy2018 "BRK instruction" means you cached corrupted shaders. Delete your shaders cache.

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

@kd-11 I do it everytime and same result .Sorry i didnt read a message you text before i test it out and report back thx

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

@kd-11 i test it and i can say it's more stable but every 2nd race a frezze happens with no error.Only displays creating shaders and frezzes. And a performance is well to^^ It goes in heavy areas 35-40 FPS and 80% of track 60 FPS. @kd-11 Very nice job just a little more stabilization and it will be perfect. @kd-11 <3 Love you <3

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

@kd-11 Tanks for working on it!

aka2k commented 4 years ago

GT6 crashes immediately now with a fatal error when trying to load a car.

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

Yes GT 6 crashes immediately at me too. Now GT 5 started to freezes again after few races worked well now again frezzes.

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

FPS 20.57 Vulkan 0.0.7-8754 Gran Turismo 5 [BCUS98114] 2019-09-22 13-48-35.zip Here it is how it looks when frezzes with no errors in console at all :/

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

I can't get gran turismo 5 to work at all right now...

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

Same here we need to wait for a fix

kd-11 commented 4 years ago

Try with a build from https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/pull/6584 which aims to fix some regressions in sys_cond.

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

@kd-11 So no changes at all still locks up.I upload few videos from my pc how it happens maybe you find something helpful FPS 35.64 Vulkan 0.0.7-8777 Gran Turismo 5 [BCUS98114] 2019-09-26 16-26-31.zip RPCS3 0.0.7-8777-5ac631e0 Alpha 2019-09-26 16-26-09.zip

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

I got Gran Turismo running in a race. Turn off Anti-Aliasing and it won't crash at least. On my pc it still lock's up . There are many steps to do to get the game running at least in the menu. In the beginning it won't even start at all so I had to turn on multithreaded rsx. Then it will load to the menu where it'll crash and close without any error. After that it will load into the menu. Then, when loading a race it'll crash with a known error, this one to be exact:

F {RSX [0x1275d58]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Assertion Failed! Vulkan API call failed with unrecoverable error: Device lost (Driver crashed with unspecified error or stopped responding and recovered) (VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST) (in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\VK\VKHelpers.h:1052)

Then disabling Anti-Aliasing got me in to a race but it still lock's up and the fps are still fluctuating.

HHCHunter commented 4 years ago

@AniLeo pls don't kill me, could you please close or review these two issues, @SKYMEE1 has the same issue as #6748

Emulator Desyncs at the same point as #6748, per log

When log is set to warning, this is the last event before the log spam.

W {PPU[0x100001c] Thread (9ZWAM) [0x01c75a30]} sys_lwcond: _sys_lwcond_create(lwcond_id=*0xd00ded8c, lwmutex_id=0x95037700, control=*0xd00ded88, name=0x0, arg5=0x0)
·E 0:06:03.342731 {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342734 {PPU[0x1000001] Thread (MpAnk) [0x00c060a4]} 'sys_event_queue_receive' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342735 {PPU[0x1000005] Thread (kFeqP) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342738 {PPU[0x1000006] Thread (kFeqg) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342740 {PPU[0x1000005] Thread (kFeqP) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342742 {PPU[0x1000006] Thread (kFeqg) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342743 {PPU[0x100000a] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342747 {PPU[0x100000a] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342745 {PPU[0x1000004] Thread (ZBm9Y) [0x00bf0df8]} 'sys_timer_usleep' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342751 {PPU[0x1000009] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342756 {PPU[0x1000009] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342768 {PPU[0x100000c] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342768 {PPU[0x1000007] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342771 {PPU[0x100000c] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342770 {PPU[0x100000b] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342773 {PPU[0x100000b] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342774 {PPU[0x1000007] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342773 {PPU[0x1000011] Thread (_gcm_intr_thread) [0x01af833c]} 'sys_event_queue_receive' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342773 {PPU[0x1000002] Thread (PDISpursHdlr1) [0x01b1b604]} 'sys_event_queue_receive' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342776 {PPU[0x1000010] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342775 {PPU[0x100000f] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342780 {PPU[0x1000010] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342781 {PPU[0x100000f] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342780 {PPU[0x1000008] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342784 {PPU[0x1000012] Thread (8mBKi) [0x00ce8e1c]} 'sys_cond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342787 {PPU[0x1000008] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342796 {PPU[0x1000014] Thread (sgx-spurs-SpursHdlr1) [0x01b1b604]} 'sys_event_queue_receive' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342803 {PPU[0x1000013] Thread (lwCH) [0x00ce8e1c]} 'sys_cond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342804 {PPU[0x1000018] Thread (prsIy) [0x00c0e3a0]} 'sys_event_queue_receive' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342806 {PPU[0x1000017] Thread (sgx-audio-thr) [0x008fe588]} 'sys_event_queue_receive' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342811 {PPU[0x100001c] Thread (9ZWAM) [0x00bf0df8]} 'sys_timer_usleep' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342812 {PPU[0x100001d] Thread (vyENO) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342815 {PPU[0x100001d] Thread (vyENO) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342813 {PPU[0x100000e] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342819 {PPU[0x100000e] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342820 {PPU[0x1000015] Thread (sgx-spurs-SpursHdlr0) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342821 {PPU[0x100001e] Thread (8mBKi) [0x00ce8e1c]} 'sys_cond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342825 {PPU[0x1000015] Thread (sgx-spurs-SpursHdlr0) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342830 {PPU[0x1000025] Thread (n3FKY) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342832 {PPU[0x100001b] Thread (lgFF) [0x00c20e08]} 'sys_event_queue_receive' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342829 {PPU[0x100000d] Thread (ksF3) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342833 {PPU[0x1000025] Thread (n3FKY) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [2]
·E 0:06:03.342832 {PPU[0x1000021] Thread (MEfYS) [0x008cfd14]} 'sys_event_queue_receive' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
·E 0:06:03.342834 {PPU[0x1000023] Thread (ZYWAP) [0x01a56cc8]} 'sys_lwcond_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1]
SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

I opened this issue 2 month ago and EATYOURVITAMIN5 opened his 9 days ago but close the one you want to not overcomplicate things. :)

kd-11 commented 4 years ago

Rsx wakeup delay was added which would solve most of these issues. The other hang like gt6 can be theoretically fixed by using rsx reservation option on advanced tab.

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

@kd-11 I tried to test gran turismo 5 but I can't get into a race.

F {Network Thread} VM: Access violation writing location 0x60ff26a2 (unmapped memory)


This happens everytime when loading a race or the emulator will just stop do anything.

But when I enable "Disable Async Shader Compiler" this error will disappear sometimes and when this happens some other errors will appear. The emulator is able to load but when pressing the button to start the race the sound will go on until the scripted scene is over in the beginning of the race but nothing is on screen.


So the conclusion is, I can't test it. Maybe some else can...

Wizzy2018 commented 4 years ago

I test it with Rsx wake updelay nothing changed at all game still frozes audio goes that's all.Unmapped errors whole log

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

I got into a race with the previous update. 0.0.9-9878 Locks up immediately.

SKYMEE1 commented 4 years ago

It kind of feels like the desynchronisation get's better. Sometimes I can finish a race ( Freezes while getting the trophy ). The game won't freeze for the whole race but after the first freeze ( when getting the tophy ) the freezes will occur 5-10 seconds into the race. So some changes have improved this issue. Keep on going! :)

shoey9998 commented 4 years ago

Looks like it's regressed again. Can barely make it through one license test before it crashes on me. R9 3900X/1080ti/32GB RAM/0.0.9-10088

Sly12346 commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same problem. It's very frustrating cause the performance is very nice but it locks up. I tried many settings. Also with Delay 800ms, No change. GT5 [BCES00569]

Rig: Ryzen 3700X, GTX 1080, 32GB RAM Version: v0.0.10-10325-9a4c26dc (but also any other of approx. 10 versions)

Billgaits66 commented 4 years ago

Waiting solution kkkk [BCUS98114]

I5 9th gen/16GB/1060 OC/ lastest build

shoey9998 commented 4 years ago

Both BCES00569 (2.1.7) and BCUS98114 (2.0.1) have this issue. 98114 works a tiny bit better for me as I can occasionally get around five license times done before lockup. Consistent errors I get are

SYS: '_sys_lwcond_queue_wait' failed with 0x00000000 : 0 [1] U {PPU[0x1000028] Thread (n3FKY) [0x01e31038]} sys_prx TODO: _sys_prx_unload_module(id=0x2302(c,d,e,f, etc.)200, flags=0x0, pOpt=*0x0)

Log file attached below
