RPG-Games / Retribution

You play as a protagonist who seeks vengeance for his grandfather's death.
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general discussion #1

Open AMPITUP opened 10 years ago

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

I thought I'd make an issue for general discussion.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

So, I made this repo to be our first RPG. We can change the plot later. As I said in CC, I think we should keep the plot like it is and then the player doesn't find out until later in the game that his father is the murderer and he is trying to frame somebody for it and have you killed secretly on your quest he sent you on so that nobody will ever suspect that he is the murderer. Sound good?

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

I made the ReadMe.md file have the extended description and the repo description have just the short description that you put on the other repo (Fantasy-RPG).

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Tomorrow, I'll add in simpleGame.js, the index file, the script file, and the stylesheet.

Hey, we need some images; are you any good at graphics? I was thinking either 8-bit or anime graphics. I really don't want to use graphics picked up off the web, because then we have to cite where we got the graphics and all sorts of messy stuff.

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

Yea I can make some graphics, but the problem is how are we gonna add it into the game. I'm not really sure how that part works but I'll draw the images we need and put them on the repo and you can tell me whether you like them or not.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Ok, I know how to. It's not that hard. You declare a function to build each thing and in the first line of the function, you write var mySprite = new Sprite(aFewArgumentsGoHere). I'll show you in more detail once you get the images. How far are you along in the book I recommended with simpleGame? It talks a lot about the Sprite element. I've never worked with spriteSHEETS though, so it'll be a bit of a new experience for me too (but I KNOW how to use them, for the most part).

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

I'm pretty far in the book, but school has been hindering me from reading it a bit (Because its on my iPad). But i should have the basic character for the Grandfather, Father, Knight done by tomorrow or Wednesday. Tell me what other characters I should make so we have all of them in the right file and ready.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

We don't need a grandfather (cuz he's been dead for like 10-20 years), btw. For the knight, we are going to need a very complicated sprite sheet for movement and fighting and just sitting.

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

Yea i'm working on the sprite sheet, it might take me a while I hope thats ok with you? Are we also going to need one for the father or...?

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

I know it shows 2 HappyLomans but just know that both of them are my I don't know why my second account didn't sync with my computer.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

That's fine. I'm gonna be just as bad on time and stuff as you (or worse...) because on top of all my school work, I have five other projects that I have to keep maintained (only two of them need to be seriously worked on, the rest are just general maintenance).

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Just FYI, it's best if you edit the existing code from the website, rather than from your code-editor and then synced through the app. There's a weird bug on the PC/Mac app that will not register what lines of code were added/deleted/changed and it's really bad for collaboration. It's just really confusing for the other person who is going through trying to keep track of just what got changed. Also, when you commit from the app, you can make lots of changes to lots of files in a single commit and so that also contributes to making it really hard on collaboration.

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

We do not really need a difficulty setting because the game has a story, unless we want to make it an open world game that implements the story?

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Ok. I'll delete that part then.

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

How do I add images to the repository?

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Are you using GitHub for Mac? If you are, I'll tell you, otherwise, I can't help you (cuz I don't use a PC).

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

I'm using Github for Mac yes.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Ok. So, you go into the repo you want. Then, click the second tab on the left (I think it's changes or something like that). There's a little icon of a folder that has the name of the repo next to it. Click on the icon. It will open a finder window. Open a second finder window next to the first. The second window should have your image(s) in it. Drag and drop the image(s) from the second window into the first. X out the finder windows. Go back to the GitHub app. Type in a commit summary and click the commit button. Hit sync and you're done.

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

Sorry I haven't been active in like 7 billon years but I was really busy this whole week, however I did found some time to make a quick drawing of the sword so we can have something (I like feeling accomplished). The Sword.png is not the final sword we are gonna use. I kinda rushed it, but tell me anything I should add or remove for the final drawing. And the sprite sheet, i'm still working on it I just finished making the character but I wanted to polish a few things. Hopefully i'll be done soon (crossed fingers) then we can start coding. I assume you might be in the same predicament of "Business", you have m condolences. Please tell me anything else I need to make before we start. And yea... keep me posted.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

No prob.


AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Any ideas on how we'll rig the game? I was thinking that you are in a tile-based world and you run around and you have different 'checkpoints' to get to. You may have to fight an enemy on the way or collect some stuff. Anything to add/change?

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

I was thinking the same thing almost like a Terraria type or terrain right?

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

I was thinking an overhead scroller. Or should we do it from the side?

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

Idk which is easier? But honestly I like from the side better, but I think we should which ever one is easier.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Yeah, ok. Let's do it from the side. I think that would be easier. BUT that means that we can't do a tile-based world (which is ok, it's just a little more complicated).

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

Ok that cool.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago


AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

What view is the sprite sheet on?

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

What do you mean by that?

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

What perspective does the sprite sheet work from. So, is it looking at the sprite from the side, the top, or what?

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

oh it looking from the side.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Ok. So, it's a side-scroller RPG.

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

Yes it is.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago


kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

OK so I added the forward moving sprite and I have to add the backwards moving one as well as the fighting sprite but my scanner is giving me problems, i should have all of the sprites up by sunday (I'm quite busy tomorrow; Saturday). Tell me if there is anything else I need to add or omit.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

I hate to tell you this, but all the sprites for the knight need to be on the same sheet. All the directions and such go on separate lines though.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Is that a sketch, or the real deal that we're gonna use? No offense, but we're using 8-bit graphics for the game and that is not. Also, it's B&W not color. BUT they're really nice drawings.

So, I think you should use a computer graphics program, like Inkscape or Gimp (both free on the web).

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

lol yea I can make it 8-bit I just wanted to show a bit of progress.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Ok, gotcha. Sounds good!

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

I added the knight's movement. Tell me if this is the right way or not.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Thx. I'll check.