RPG-Games / Retribution

You play as a protagonist who seeks vengeance for his grandfather's death.
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Game design #7

Open kunle-lawal opened 10 years ago

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

Game Design Game Concept: Also found on GitHub “You are an errant knight, traveling the land. Your family was once a great and wealthy noble family in a faraway land until your grandfather was murdered in a most unnatural way (by poison put in through the ear - like in Hamlet) and your family was shamed because of it and a great deal of your wealth was taken away by an evil usurper (your father claims to have seen that he was the murderer of your grandfather). You must travel around, seeking enough evidence against this usurper to prove that he was the murderer before his spies can assassinate you! A twist awaits you in the end. :)”

Developer Details:

  1. Father is the killer.
  2. Son does not know this.
  3. About 5 or 6 level (This number can change depending on how we feel it should change).
  4. Levels a. Level 1  Son (yet to be named) goes on a quest to find his grandfather’s killer per order of the king. Son stumbles upon a village and because of their cry for help, they ask him to find and stop a mini goblin (reason being because we don't want to make the player feel intimidated). After player defeats the first monster the village rewards him with a golden relic that the goblin had dropped. After the play examines the relic he finds out that it was his father's relic that the character becomes suspension but moves on. He thanks the village and moves on his journey  Setting 1: Town  Time 1: Day  Fight
  5. Setting: Forrest
  6. Time: Night  Second time in Town
  7. Setting: Town
  8. Time: Night  Everything after the fight will be text based.

b. Level 2  Setting: Forrest  Time: Night  Enemy/obstacle: Thieves  Concept: Player rests and is about to camp out but is ambushed by 3 Thieves.

  1. They came to take the gold relic from him. They also "claim" that they want to sell it in the black market. However the player notices the king’s emblem on the thieves arm.  Fight: All Thieves at the same time, slightly harder to fight because they move faster than the goblin did.  After fight: player picks up the Thieves sword and forces information from one of them that was able to stay alive, but all the thieve says is hail king (insert fathers name here) and vanishes. Player continues.

c. Level 3  Setting: Abandoned Dungeon  Time: Unknown he's underground.  Enemy/obstacle: Puzzle then a guardian ogre.  Concept: The player stumbles upon an underground dungeon and goes exploring. He sees a puzzle (TBD) and solves it in hopes of opening a door that seems to have been locked. Upon arriving on the other side of the door he sees an ancient burial ground and there is an inscription on the tomb stone that is related to his mother, the son/player (yet to be named), begins to cry thinking about his lost mother and grandfather, then a ogre and tells him that he killed his mother.  Fight: Ogre is incredible strong and player has a hard time but after being beaten the first time he gets up again and uses the sword that he got from the thieves and the player becomes a bit faster hopefully killing the ogre. After Fight: Player stabs the ogre in the eye and walks off with a drawing of his mother’s tomb.

d. Level 4(TBD)

kunle-lawal commented 10 years ago

This design is subject to change and nothing on here is final. I did up to level 6 but i don't want to upload it yet because I need feed back on the level we have thus far. So if you need to change anything i suggest copying and pasting this design on the the actual retribution respiratory. And we can change it from there or we can keep it here it up to you.

But the main thing here is that nothing here is final.

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Ok, so there's a usurper there and he took over the throne (the father put him there to make it seem like the fake usurper guy was the killer and that he sorta overthrew the father). Also, the father sent the kid out to get him killed so that nobody would ever suspect him.

Next, not the king's emblem but the father's emblem from when he WAS king.

Ok, awesome! I really like it all. One small change though; let's split level 3 into two levels (one with the puzzle and the other with the troll). Nice job!

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Oh and also, this IS the main repository, but these are just the issues. Final thing, this should stay as an issue and not go as a file into the code (unless you really want to put it there) because then when people download it, it'll look like they're supposed to read the file for a cool little novel book that we threw in there and so they'll find out the story before they play the game!

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Hey, I just was thinking about a final level (we don't have to do this if you don't want to, but I thought that it might be cool) and I think I have a good idea.... So, you think you know who the killer was and what happened and you return. BOTH the usurper guy and the father are at your small house for some reason and you walk in and they go to face you (now, the usurper guy just found out that he was a dummy put in by the father to get killed instead of him and so he came to step down) to speak with you. You draw your sword, ready to fight one. But which one do you fight? Who was the real murderer? So then the player has to decide who it was and then if they choose wrong, then a thing pops up and says that while they were trying to fight the other guy, the father stabbed you and if they choose right, they have to fight the father guy who is like the 'boss' fighter per se.