RPGHacker / asar

(Now) official repository of the SNES assembler Asar, originally created by Alcaro
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Add Built in Defines for the Current Time/Date #233

Open Yoshifanatic1 opened 2 years ago

Yoshifanatic1 commented 2 years ago

As a small suggestion, perhaps Asar could have a few built in defines that contain the current time/date that asar began to assemble a file? Besides being an automatic method for assembling an accurate build date in a ROM, it would also be a quality of life improvement for anyone making a patch intended to have randomized elements in a patch each time it's applied. As an example, I have made a patch that acts as a randomizer for Jurassic Park 1, but you have to manually change the seed rather than it automatically changing.

p4plus2 commented 2 years ago

!assembler_time is now valid in asar2. This feature will not be backported.

and if you want to be really crazy heres a fun macro

macro to_date_internal(time, ...)
    !seconds #= <time>
    !minutes #= floor(!seconds/60)
    !seconds #= !seconds-(!minutes*60)
    !hours #= floor(!minutes/60)
    !minutes #= !minutes-(!hours*60)
    !days #= floor(!hours/24)
    !hours #= !hours-(!days*24)

    !year #= 1970
    !weekday #= 4
    !continue #= 1
    !month #= 0
    while !continue
        !is_leap #= !year%4==0&&(!year%100!=0||!year%400==0)
        if !days >= select(!is_leap, 366, 365)
            !weekday #= !weekday+select(!is_leap, 2, 1)
            !days #= !days-select(!is_leap, 366, 365)
            if !weekday >= 7
                !weekday #= !weekday-7
            !year #= !year+1
            !weekday #= !weekday+!days
            !weekday #= !weekday%7

            !month #= 0
            !continue2 #= 1
            while !month < 12 && !continue2
                !dim #= <!month>

                if !month == 1 && !is_leap
                    !dim #= !dim+1

                if !days >= !dim
                    !days #= !days-!dim
                    !continue2 #= 0
                !month #= !month+1
            !continue #= 0
    print "seconds ", dec(!seconds)
    print "minutes ", dec(!minutes)
    print "hours   ", dec(!hours)
    print "day     ", dec(!days+1)
    print "month   ", dec(!month)
    print "year    ", dec(!year)
    print "weekday ", dec(!weekday+1)
    print ""


macro to_date(time)
    %to_date_internal(<time>, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
