RPI-DATA / tutorials-intro

This is a set of introductory tutorials to support the data across the curriculum efforts.
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Initial Exploration #2

Open jkuruzovich opened 6 years ago

jkuruzovich commented 6 years ago

Some sites to look at for initial analysis:

DATA8 http://data8.org https://github.com/data-8/materials-su18

Data100 http://www.ds100.org https://github.com/DS-100/fa17

jkuruzovich commented 6 years ago

Potential tutorial plotly: Juptyer Notebook https://plot.ly/ipython-notebooks/principal-component-analysis/ https://github.com/plotly/documentation/tree/source-design-merge//_posts/ipython-notebooks

Ability to run in colab. https://jakevdp.github.io/PythonDataScienceHandbook/05.09-principal-component-analysis.html

schasen97 commented 5 years ago

https://plot.ly/ipython-notebooks/principal-component-analysis/ https://jakevdp.github.io/PythonDataScienceHandbook/05.09-principal-component-analysis.html

A few dummy examples


An organized example that just needs some more descriptions


nickespo21 commented 5 years ago

Practice and Tutorial with Multiple Techniques https://github.com/tirthajyoti/PythonMachineLearning

PCA Tutorial (Python) https://github.com/histed/PCATutorialPython

schasen97 commented 5 years ago
lucentdan commented 5 years ago

Data sets.


lucentdan commented 5 years ago


Searching for data sets.

lucentdan commented 5 years ago

Develop list of notebooks for which licensing requires link only. List we can modify. Collect and curate notebooks in /code/notebooks under PCA and others.

lucentdan commented 5 years ago


lucentdan commented 5 years ago

More materials engineering examples:

https://arxiv.org/pdf/1705.00081.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304399114002022 https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/S1431927615001658

lucentdan commented 5 years ago

Let us compute the covariance matrix for the Boston housing data.

lucentdan commented 5 years ago

Contact at NIST is sending data suitable for PCA in a materials context.