RPM-Outpost / discord

RPM Package for discord
MIT License
203 stars 15 forks source link

Fails on OpenSUSE 15.0 #15

Open mramendi opened 4 years ago

mramendi commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, the Discord RPM project fails on OpenSUSE 15.0.

First it does not find rpmbuild, installs the rpmdevtools package and can't find rpmbuild again. The correct package is rpm-build . But this is a minor glitch; after I installed rpm-uild the RPM creation proceeded.

The real issue is that the RPM that it produces fails to install with the following message:

error: Failed dependencies: libX11 >= 1.6 is needed by discord-0.0.10-2.x86_64 libXtst >= 1.2 is needed by discord-0.0.10-2.x86_64 libappindicator is needed by discord-0.0.10-2.x86_64 libc++1 is needed by discord-0.0.10-2.x86_64

When I extract the discord tarball on the same machine, it runs perfectly well, so the problem is unfortunately with the RPM procedure.

TheElectronWill commented 4 years ago


I've fixed the rpmbuild issue :smiley:. Regarding these dependencies, they are specified by the discord developers themselves, so I don't think it's a good idea to ignore them. Those packages seem to be available on OpenSUSE. Shouldn't zypper install them? :thinking:

m0nk3h commented 3 years ago


I've just tried your script today on OpenSuse Tumbleweed as the discord version in their repo is too old to run. On running the script, it detects that rpm-build isn't installed, asks to install then installs rpmdevtools. This then fails with ./create-package.sh: line 118: rpmbuild: command not found. Installing with sudo zypper in rpm-build fixes this.

It will then create the .rpm file, but upon installing fails with:

Problem: nothing provides libappindicator needed by discord-0.0.13-2.x86_64 Solution 1: do not install discord-0.0.13-2.x86_64 Solution 2: break discord-0.0.13-2.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Even with - i | libappindicator1 | Application indicators library | package i | libappindicator3-1 | Application indicators library for GTK+3 | package

Choosing solution 2 to break discord, will install okay, and discord will launch and run. I've not seen any breaking behaviour so far, but I've also not had it attempt to show a notification.

Thanks for the scripts, they have helped me out.

askiiart commented 2 years ago

I'm also running OpenSUSE 15(.3), and rather than creating the RPM file, mine just doesn't create it, but also doesn't give an error (but zypper gives the --help page when it tries to install nothing).

Edit: It's actually GeckoLinux, an OpenSUSE-based distro which is basically OpenSUSE but easier.