RPTools / maptool

Virtual Tabletop for playing roleplaying games with remote players or face to face.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Feature]: Fog of War Layer #3447

Open shondoa opened 2 years ago

shondoa commented 2 years ago

Feature Request

I've been trying to make an effect in my current game with a section of houses with roofs where the interior of the house is only revealed when a player reveals it with their own vision, and otherwise only the roof of the house is shown. I've made a mock-up image here to show what a player should see:


Currently I can only create this effect by putting the interior map on the token layer and the roof map on the background/object layer, however this causes a plethora of other issues, including players not being able to see items on the object layer when the vision is revealed. I'd also prefer if players couldn't click on the map to select it.

The Solution you'd like

The effect I want could be done with an additional layer type, maybe called the "Fog" layer, which would always visible to players and becomes hidden as they reveal the map. Something similar can already be achieved by assigning a texture to the fog in Edit Map, but currently fog textures loop at the edges and I'd only want a specific portion of the map to have this behavior.

Alternatives that you've considered.

Originally I thought about requesting an additional layer that has the same vision properties as the Token layer but doesn't allow player interaction, as this would alleviate my current issues, but I think a "Fog" layer would be much easier to implement and have more appealing functionality.

Additional Context

Currently on 1.10.4.

kwvanderlinde commented 2 years ago

This is a really interesting idea!

AAUCrisp commented 2 years ago

LOVE this!

Phergus commented 2 years ago

Definitely an interesting idea.

FWIW, folks have been accomplishing a similar effect with macros for many years. I believe the functionality is built-in to the Bag-of-Tricks (BoT) library. It uses individual roof sections and hides them when tokens enter a building.

Jmr3366 commented 1 year ago

BoT can't do this. A token has to move under / close enough to the roof for it (the roof) to fade / disappear. You're not able to "look in" through a doorway like this.
Awesome addition if it can be realized.