RPTools / maptool

Virtual Tabletop for playing roleplaying games with remote players or face to face.
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[Feature]: Update default campaign Light definitions #3922

Open icarean opened 1 year ago

icarean commented 1 year ago

Feature Request

The lighting system has been changed in the maptool_1.13.0-beta.1 version. Updating the default Campaign Properties -> Light definitions could better represent the lighting system's features and also be easier to understand "out of the box".

The Solution you'd like

I suggest replacing the entire existing default Campaign Properties -> Light definitions with the following:

Candle - 5/10: circle 5#afa801+100 10#afa801+50
Lamp - 15/45: circle 15#afa801+100+100 45#afa801+50
Lantern, hooded - 30/30: circle 30#afa801+100+100 60#afa801+50
Lantern, bullseye - 60/120: arc=90 60#afa801+100+100 arc=90 120#afa801+50
Sunrod - 30/30: circle 30#afa801+100+100 60#afa801+50
Torch - 20/40: circle 20#afa801+100 40#afa801+50

5: circle 5+100
15: circle 15+100
60: circle 60+100
40: circle 40+100
20: circle 20+100
30: circle 30+100

Daylight: scale circle 60#cccccc+100 120#cccccc+50
Light: scale circle 20#777777+100 40#777777+50

Aura of vitality: aura OWNER 30#22dd22

Alternatives that you've considered.

The existing default definitions could be left as-is, and each individual starting with MapTool could be left to learn about the lighting system's features individually. I think this is less desirable than my proposal.

Some, but not all, of the proposed new definitions could be included, perhaps in a 'new features' group, to smooth the transition from old to new definitions. I think this is ok, but I think it'd be better to just include all of the above definitions. I don't think backward compatibility needs to be a consideration here as we're talking about replacing default for when a new campaign is started, not changing anything in an existing campaign.

Additional Context

There's been some discussion about how the lighting system works in the #vbl-mbl-fow-light-sight channel of the Discord, including the new features being implemented. As of the maptool_1.13.0-beta.1 version, the default campaign lights and the descriptive text that is displayed when the user is editing lights does not well describe the light system's features; however the dev who is working on the lighting system has indicated they will be updating the descriptive text.

Many RPG systems (e.g. D&D 5e) use a system of 'bright' and 'dim' light radii, which MapTool can recreate but which are not clearly described or well represented by the default current light definitions. For example, a torch with a bright light 20' radius and dim light in an additional 20' radius might be more clearly described as a "Torch - 20/40" rather than the current name which is "Torch - 20".

In reality, lights from items such as torches wouldn't be pure white or just expose a fog of war, but will have a hue to them. The proposed definitions show the lights as yellow-ish which I think is realistic for fire. A user could change those colours as they desire, but at least this default clearly demonstrates what is possible 'out of the box'.

I've removed 'everburning' from the definitions since this just has the same light definition as a standard torch. The difference is only that it lasts longer than a torch, which is a different game mechanic.

I've included a couple of common 5e spells and an aura by way of examples to get the new user started quickly. This is an additional way to show the use of different light colours, the use of the 'scale' feature, and to show the use of auras.

The last bit of context I need to add here is that MapTool is great and the devs deserve a lot of love. Thank you!

Edit: 15/04/23 put the suggested light definitions into a code block for easier reading, and corrected the Aura of vitality definition.

kwvanderlinde commented 1 year ago

In addition to the default properties, the built-in predefined campaign properties could also use an update. Definitely the D&D / Pathfinder ones could use the addition of +100/+50 lumens as (I believe) they all share the same basic dim/bright distinction. The other systems I'm not familiar with, but might benefit from that as well.

I like the idea of expanding the default set while also adding lumens and colours. I'm thinking these would be a good set to add for a good out-of-the-box setup, and also to give tinkering users some examples to work from:

I would caution against using system-specific names like "Light" and "Daylight" because they might not mean anything to folks who play other systems (also those specifically are terms with a regular meaning that is completely different). But the inclusion of that sort of thing - especially as an example of scale - is a good idea.