RPi-Distro / raspi-config

Configuration tool for the Raspberry Pi
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enable_overlayfs upper and lower directories are hidden #100

Open msperl opened 4 years ago

msperl commented 4 years ago

First of all: I am very happy that this becomes easily available. - I have done this manually several times...

Is it on purpose that the upper and lower directories are hidden and not visible in df nor accessible?

I really like the way openwrt does it.

This way it is possible to figure out if the upper ramdisk is consuming lots of memory (df) and also what is really consuming the ram in the ramdisk (find /upper - size +100000 or similar)

Makes life easier to detect such situations when you also have monitoring in place...

I believe it should also be possible to chroot to /lower (rw mounted) and then do an os update - followed by an immediate reboot to be 100% synchronized to avoid inconsistencies between merged and changes to lower. This avoids rebooting twice - once to rw mode, then change and another time back to overlay mode again...

Obviously this also has some drawbacks/issue/potential for questions and people need to know what to expect.

Biggest pitfall I know/see is the risk of modifying the upper work directory directly, which is not reflected in the overlay file system - especially: delete big files after the find mentioned above without going to the mounted overlayfs itself... (been there/done that/rebooted system in the end ...)

XECDesign commented 4 years ago

I believe it should also be possible to chroot to /lower (rw mounted) and then do an os update - followed by an immediate reboot to be 100% synchronized to avoid inconsistencies between merged and changes to lower.

I was under the impression that would update the underlying files, but upper files would still be applied over the top of it, even if they're older than what was updated? If that's the case, there's a lot that can go wrong there.

I do think it would be good to be able to see the ramdisk usage though.

msperl commented 4 years ago

From my experience with openwrt or containers I actually do not care too much for lower (but it already has helped me restore an overwritten script without the reboot - this for all practical purposes should not be a writeable mount.

The upper RAM disk available allows you to:

But also for upper writes should be avoided otherwise you end up with files still in the overlay but not in the upper or lower layer. So by default read only as well may be recommended...

XECDesign commented 4 years ago

Yeah, those are all reasons I'd want to have access to it as well. I'll take a look.

lehni commented 4 years ago

For what it's worth, this repo here offers visible upper and lower directories, and works on Buster also:


With that, it is possible for example to chroot into a RW version of the file-system while the Pi is in RO overlay mode, and make changes. I prefer this to what's raspi-config is currently offering:

    mount -o remount,rw /mnt/root-ro
    # Enable DNS in chroot because resolvconf service needs to read /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf
    mount -o bind /run /mnt/root-ro/run
    # Make `ps` & co work in `chroot`
    mount -t proc /proc /mnt/root-ro/proc
    chroot /mnt/root-ro sudo -i -u pi

To get back out of chroot and make the file-system RO again, I simply type:

    umount /mnt/root-ro/run
    umount /mnt/root-ro/proc
    mount -o remount,ro /mnt/root-ro

I have created scripts for both that check if I'm inside chroot or not:

sudo tee /root/mount-writable.sh << END
if ischroot; then
    echo 'You are already in writable chroot.'
    mount -o remount,rw /mnt/root-ro
    # Enable DNS in chroot because resolvconf service needs to read /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf
    mount -o bind /run /mnt/root-ro/run
    # Make `ps` & co work in `chroot`
    mount -t proc /proc /mnt/root-ro/proc
    chroot /mnt/root-ro sudo -i -u pi

sudo tee /root/mount-readonly.sh << END
if ischroot; then
    echo 'You are still in writable chroot, run `exit` first.'
    umount /mnt/root-ro/run
    umount /mnt/root-ro/proc
    mount -o remount,ro /mnt/root-ro
henryptung commented 2 years ago

For what it's worth, adding the following to local_mount_root() in /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/overlay does the job:

        mkdir -p "${rootmnt}/overlay/lower"
        mount --bind /lower "${rootmnt}/overlay/lower"
        mkdir -p "${rootmnt}/overlay/upper"
        mount --bind /upper/data "${rootmnt}/overlay/upper"

You can update initramfs with the following as root (assuming mostly default setup):

mount -o remount,rw /boot
update-initramfs -c -k "$(uname -r)"
mv "/boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r)" "/boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r)-overlay"

Then reboot.

If anyone wants to convert the above into an option in raspi-config itself, probably won't be too hard.