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Libavformat58? #184

Closed shazzr closed 4 years ago

shazzr commented 4 years ago

Get error regarding libavformat58 when upgrading my buster system. http://paste.debian.net/1157066/

To reproduce sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade


System Copy and paste the results of the raspinfo command in to this section. Alternatively, copy and paste a pastebin link, or add answers to the following questions:

Pi3B+ Generated using pi-gen, https://github.com/RPi-Distro/pi-gen, 825107f04027269db77426046f5085475b1ea22f, stage2 Apr 15 2020 11:43:08 Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom version 82f9bb929ce2186eb1824178c1ae82902ad6275c (clean) (release) (start) Linux pitri 4.19.118-v7+ #1311 SMP Mon Apr 27 14:21:24 BST 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux

I have discussed the issue on #raspberrypi on Freenode.

Tenkawa| RoyK: I looked at this the other day and just now.. that 'activa4e-noawaIt' bit looks like a major typo in the package Tenkawa| I see references to activate-nowait in deb triggers all over the place.. but not what is showing up there

XECDesign commented 4 years ago

Looks like a corrupted file on your ystem rather than an issue with the package. There is no 'activa4e-noawaIt' anywhere in the package.

shazzr commented 4 years ago

I did a reinstall of the system. Seems to work now.