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Issue tracking for the archive.raspberrypi.org repo
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Direwolf package not compiled for ARM 6L on Bullseye - gives "Illegal instruction" when trying to run Direwolf 1.6 on Raspberry Pi 1 #278

Closed dranch closed 2 years ago

dranch commented 2 years ago

Hello Rpi packagers,

It seems the Direwolf package in the Bullseye repo is being compiled for the ARM 7 instruction set and not the ARM6L for compatibility. This is impacting users using the Rpi v1, 1+, Zero, and ZeroW SBCs. Can a new package be published which is compatible for your legacy SBCs? Maybe in the future, there can be different repos published for different generations of SBCs to maximize performance (ARM6L, ARM7, ARM8, etc). Anyway.. thank you for all that you all do!

References: https://groups.io/g/direwolf/topic/87165711#5832 https://groups.io/g/direwolf/topic/87406630#5855


XECDesign commented 2 years ago


Since this is a Raspbian package and not an archive.raspberrypi.org one, we don't build or maintain it.

Raspbian issues should be reported here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/raspbian


dranch commented 2 years ago

This issue has been reported at https://bugs.launchpad.net/raspbian/+bug/1980899?comments=all by another user. Adding this here to tie the two tickets together.