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Headless wpa_supplicant.conf configuration stopped working #328

Open eximius313 opened 1 year ago

eximius313 commented 1 year ago

Almost every tutoral on "headless configuration" I've read, mentions that one can put wpa_supplicant.conf file in the root folder of the freshly written image of Raspbian in order for RPi to automatically connect to the wireless network after boot. This worked up to the image from 2022-04-07 and stopped working in later images - for example 2022-09-07.

I've tested this with newest Imager (v1.7.5) and newest image 2023-05-03: When I tick "Configure wireless LAN" checkbox and just run the card - the wifi is configured properly and wlan0 interface is present in ifconfig after boot. But when I copy my wpa_supplicant.conf file (which contains additional networks) to the root folder for SD card (like I always did for headless configuration with images up to 2022-04-07 inclusive) - the file is indeed copied into /etc/wpa_supplicant/ but wifi is not connected and wlan0 is not present in the ifconfig.

What is surprising - when I then run raspi-config and add any dummy network Foo with password 12345678 - it is added to my file, wlan0 is up and wifi is connected to my real network.

Could you please fix that?