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False Positive - learn.cisecurity.org #1676

Closed TFWol closed 2 weeks ago

TFWol commented 2 weeks ago

That website is the Center for Internet Security.

You can see it mentioned here: https://www.cisa.gov/resources-tools/services/multi-state-information-sharing-and-analysis-center

RPiList commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, thx for supporting us.

The domain learn.cisecurity.org is flagged as malware, as combined disguised clickthroughs domain by the adguard team.

A "combined disguised clickthroughs domain" (CDCD) is a term used in the context of online advertising and digital marketing. It describes a tactic where an advertiser or a website uses techniques to trick users into clicking on advertisements or links without them being fully aware of it or without clearly recognizing where they are clicking. This practice can be considered deceptive or fraudulent.

So the important question is, does the block break the website?


TFWol commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, it breaks the site if you want to register (a requirement) to download the baseline configurations.

RPiList commented 2 weeks ago

Thx for helping us out. Domain has been removed. Greetings.