RPiks / pico-WSPR-tx

WSPR beacon for Raspberry Pi Pico, based on pico-hf-oscillator library. It doesn't require any hardware - Pico board itself only.
MIT License
112 stars 16 forks source link

Nice to have features with the project #5

Open sivaelid opened 11 months ago

sivaelid commented 11 months ago
  1. To have some USB serial output that can be normally used to check configuration, This could include; a. The configuration data, such as Callsign, Grid Square, Power, Transmit pattern ( single continuous, and interval ( say every 20 minutes) and RF frequency set and to be transmitted. b. GPS time ( to check transmitting at the correct time) and coordinates and the Grid square if generated by the GPS.
  2. The potential of a config file that has only the configuration settings with no other info so that new users can find the place to put the items to code. This can be a standalone file that is used as part of the compile process as opposed to having it in main.c .
  3. A public wiki area on the site so users can contribute to the knowledge of set up and configuration as the project progresses. I have already written some of this, and happy to share, let me know how. I have done this on another project such as https://github.com/eried/portapack-mayhem, where the wiki is open to all and can be updated and amended as time goes on, this has worked well and has made a very good supported site.

Thanks for a great idea and project Simon G8HAM