Open elapt1c opened 2 hours ago
import sounddevice as sd
from import write
# Global variables
stream = None
current_frequency = 0
audio_buffer = [] # Buffer to store audio data
# Define the frequency channels (22 channels from 200 Hz to 2200 Hz)
base_frequency = 200
checksum_freq = 8
frequencies = [base_frequency * (i + 1) for i in range(22)]
def audio_callback(outdata, frames, time, status):
"""Callback function to generate audio."""
global current_frequency, audio_buffer
if status:
t = np.linspace(0, frames / 44100, frames, False) # Create time array for the frames
tone = 0.5 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * current_frequency * t) # Generate sine wave
outdata[:] = tone.reshape(-1, 1) # Output to sound device
# Append the generated audio to buffer
def start_audio():
"""Start the audio stream."""
global stream
stream = sd.OutputStream(samplerate=44100, channels=1, dtype='float32', callback=audio_callback)
def change_frequency(channel_index):
"""Change the frequency of the currently playing audio using channel index."""
global current_frequency
current_frequency = frequencies[channel_index] # Update the current frequency
def stop_audio():
"""Stop the audio playback."""
global stream
if stream is not None:
stream = None
def save_audio_to_wav(filename='output.wav'):
"""Save the buffered audio data to a WAV file."""
global audio_buffer
audio_data = np.array(audio_buffer)
scaled_audio = np.int16(audio_data / np.max(np.abs(audio_data)) * 32767) # Scale to 16-bit PCM format
write(filename, 44100, scaled_audio) # Write audio data to WAV file
def encode_and_play(message, speed):
"""Encode a message with simple error correction and play the corresponding audio."""
global audio_buffer
audio_buffer = [] # Reset the audio buffer
# Start the audio stream before playing
change_frequency(2) # Preamble
byte_count = 0
checksum = 0
for char in message:
byte = ord(char)
checksum ^= byte # XOR checksum
for i in range(8):
if byte & (1 << i):
change_frequency(i + 4) # Change to channel index for "1"
change_frequency(3) # Separator
byte_count += 1
if byte_count == checksum_freq + 1:
# Send checksum
for i in range(8):
if checksum & (1 << i):
change_frequency(i + 4) # Change to channel index for "1"
change_frequency(3) # Separator
byte_count = 0
checksum = 0
# Send any remaining data with padding
if byte_count > 0:
while byte_count < 9:
change_frequency(3) # Separator (padding)
byte_count += 1
# Send final checksum
for i in range(8):
if checksum & (1 << i):
change_frequency(i + 4) # Change to channel index for "1"
change_frequency(3) # Separator
change_frequency(2) # Postamble
# Stop audio playback at the end
# Save the buffered audio to a WAV file for future use
# Example usage
Title: The Beauty of Nature
Nature is a magnificent tapestry woven with vibrant colors, soothing sounds, and intricate patterns. From the towering peaks of majestic mountains to the serene tranquility of a calm lake, the natural world captivates our senses and rejuvenates our spirits.
As dawn breaks, the sun gently kisses the horizon, casting a golden glow across the landscape. Birds chirp melodiously, heralding the start of a new day, while the gentle rustle of leaves dances with the soft breeze. This morning symphony is a reminder of the beauty that surrounds us.
In the heart of the forest, sunlight filters through the canopy, creating a mosaic of light and shadow on the forest floor. Each step unveils new wonders—a delicate flower peeking through the underbrush, a squirrel playfully darting up a tree, or a stream bubbling over smooth stones, singing its timeless song.
The changing seasons bring their own unique charm. Spring awakens the earth, dressing it in a riot of colors as flowers bloom and trees burst into life. Summer invites us to bask in the sun's warm embrace, offering long days filled with adventure and exploration. Autumn paints the world in hues of gold, orange, and red, while winter blankets it in serene white, transforming landscapes into a quiet wonderland.
Nature not only offers us beauty but also teaches us valuable lessons. It reminds us of the importance of balance and harmony, showcasing the interconnectedness of all living things. Every creature, no matter how small, plays a role in maintaining the delicate ecosystem we depend on.
In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to forget the wonders of the natural world. Yet, by taking a moment to step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and observe the intricacies of nature, we can find peace and inspiration. So, let us cherish and protect this precious gift, ensuring that future generations can also experience the beauty that nature has to offer.
""", 50)```
also checksums can be ditched, i included them in the python code since i was testing computer-to-computer communication using speakers and microphone and the error correction seemed to help the data get from 1 side to the other properly
an explanation of how the protocol works
I dont know anything other than python myself but im hoping somebody will be bored enough or nice enough to help out :)
I have code that successfully impliments my protocol with python and plays the frequencies on speakers, though the code is a little messy and the channel numbers are shifted to unneeded numbers, it still works as an example of how it functions.