RREE / build-avr-ada-toolchain

Scripts for Building the AVR-Ada Toolchain
MIT License
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Stuck in step22 of build with error: gmp.h cannot be found or is unusable. #9

Open Joebeazelman opened 2 years ago

Joebeazelman commented 2 years ago

I haven't had much success building the avr-ada toolchain on macOS 12.1 x86x64. First, the repository has a build-avr-ada.sh which appears to be the entire build script as one file. There's another file with almost the same name, _build_avrada.sh, which is composed of calls to other build scripts with each one building a different tool in the chain. Why have build-avr-ada.sh and _build_avrada.sh when they do the same thing? Unless you study the scripts, you can be easily mislead into thinking the scripts are independent and seperate of each other, especially when it states in the readme:

Scripts for building the AVR-Ada toolchain

This repository contains the scripts for downloading, patching, and building the toolchain for AVR-Ada. It was originally a single script modified by various authors. The new script distributes some issues into separate files. It is inpired partly by Free Ada (Lucretia/free-ada)

Second, after spending hours figuring out the shell scripts, I hit a snag in step 22 of the build. During the config portion of the GCC build, I get the following error in the last two lines of step22_gcc_gcc_obj.log:

checking for gmp.h... no
configure: error: gmp.h cannot be found or is unusable.
make[1]: *** [configure-mpc] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

I've been unable to proceed past this step. I tried to hardcode the '--with-gmp=' option with the several gmp folders including one inside the gcc-9.2.0 folder. Any ideas?