RRethy / vim-hexokinase

hexokinase.vim - (Neo)Vim plugin for asynchronously displaying the colours in the file (#rrggbb, #rgb, rgb(a)? functions, hsl(a)? functions, web colours, custom patterns)
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Conceal ANSI escape codes and colour text #65

Open fcying opened 4 years ago

fcying commented 4 years ago

I try to use Hexokinase_palettes to set up ansi color, but not success. Can you help me see how to set this situation?


\e[00;32m2020-07-22 22:46:19.260\e[00;34m TEST\e[0m end

display in term:

print "\e[00;32m2020-07-22 22:46:19.260\e[00;34m TEST\e[0m end"


color flag is \e[, 00;32m is color name, text after this flag add color(not display color flag), \e[0m stop add color, or another color flag change the next text color \e[00;34m

RRethy commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure I understand. So you have a text file with the following text:

\e[00;32m2020-07-22 22:46:19.260\e[00;34m TEST\e[0m end

And you want it to be highlighted as something along the lines of this:


Is this the behaviour you are looking for?

fcying commented 4 years ago

I want it to be highlighted like this: image

\e[00;32m \e[00;34m \e[0m is Escape sequences, it only set text color which after it, it does not show itself.

More explanation: ANSI_escape_code#Colors

noscript commented 4 years ago

+1 Very useful for coloring the output inside quickfix window.

This is somehow similar to html tags. The codes may appear in any order, these will produce the same output:

$ echo -en \
'\n^[[1m^[[34mTEST^[[0m' \
'\n^[[34m^[[1mTEST^[[0m' \

2020 07 27_12:05:37

RRethy commented 4 years ago

I want it to be highlighted like this: image

\e[00;32m \e[00;34m \e[0m is Escape sequences, it only set text color which after it, it does not show itself.

More explanation: ANSI_escape_code#Colors

If you are looking for the text to change (\e[00;32m to disappear, as in your screenshot and how a terminal displays it), then vim-hexokinase does not have this functionality currently since that would require use of :h :syn-conceal. I'll mark this as a feature request and I may get to it, but to be honest I avoided adding any :h :syn-conceal highlighters because the conceal api is quite painful to deal with.

If someone wants to try adding this functionality you can do so by extending https://github.com/rrethy/hexokinase and adding the ability to recognize ansi escapes codes, then you would add a highlighter based on :h hexokinase-custom-highlighters.

Alternatively, Colorizer has this functionality.

noscript commented 4 years ago

At least highlighting would be nice to have, concealing may not be so important.

Olical commented 4 years ago

This would be a REALLY nice solution to https://github.com/Olical/conjure/issues/53 - I think I hacked colorizer or something to get it to do what I wanted, I think this plugin could be a massive improvement on that!

(conjure introduces a log that's kind of like a REPL and CAN contain ansi escape sequences, so having them displayed correctly is a really nice experience)

In my experience, AnsiEsc works but had a bunch of weird quirks, like it would break the rest of the syntax highlighting and vanish when you switched windows sometimes. I hacked it to get it to overlay the escape code colouring on top of my existing theme, you can find that hacked version here, maybe people can just use that: https://github.com/Olical/AnsiEsc

I think colorizer had a bunch of issues too, see the issue I linked for more info on the state of colouring and hiding ansi escape sequences in nvim.

vizcay commented 3 years ago

This will be very nice to have, In my case only https://github.com/chrisbra/Colorizer supported this.