RRethy / vim-illuminate

illuminate.vim - (Neo)Vim plugin for automatically highlighting other uses of the word under the cursor using either LSP, Tree-sitter, or regex matching.
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refactor!: remove deprecated nvim-treesitter functionality #170

Closed amaanq closed 9 months ago

amaanq commented 1 year ago

ts_utils and modules are deprecated in the new main branch of nvim-treesitter, and master will likely be deprecated once 0.10 is out (though not removed for a while for compatibility reasons). It'd be better to adjust for that sooner rather than later, as main currently offers many benefits over master but the module usage here will prevent users from using that. Though, disabling by filetype will be unusable (until you implement something similar..) and it is a slight breaking change for users

RRethy commented 11 months ago

ts_utils and modules are deprecated in the new main branch of nvim-treesitter, and master will likely be deprecated once 0.10 is out

Is there an announcement about this? A migration guide?

RRethy commented 11 months ago

Though, disabling by filetype will be unusable (until you implement something similar..)

That exists in vim-illuminate already fwiw

RRethy commented 9 months ago

Closing because this is a broken PR.