RRethy / vim-illuminate

illuminate.vim - (Neo)Vim plugin for automatically highlighting other uses of the word under the cursor using either LSP, Tree-sitter, or regex matching.
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How to install your VIM Plugin? #21

Closed tdimnet closed 6 years ago

tdimnet commented 6 years ago

Hi there,

I am brand new to the vim world and I am trying to install your plugin without using any plugin manager. I found and followed this tutorial: https://howchoo.com/g/ztmyntqzntm/how-to-install-vim-plugins-without-a-plugin-manager but at the end it seems it does not work and I am not able to use your plugin.

It seems that my runtimepath has been setted up correctly and I also cloned your repo within my own .vim/bundle

Do you have a piece of advice for me?


RRethy commented 6 years ago

So a few things:

  1. If you would be able to provide your .vimrc I can take a look to see if it has anything that could cause it to fail since the steps in the article should work. If I had to guess (which might be wrong, I would need to see your .vimrc), I would assume set runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/vim-illuminate has a misspelling.

  2. If you are starting out with Vim, I would recommend using a plugin/package manager such as minpac or vim-plug since it will make things a lot easier (I would recommend my package manager but unfortunately it is not yet finished :/), then as you learn more about vim you ca move to native support (explained in point 3).

  3. That article is out of date with the current way to install plugins. Currently, Vim has support for packages (see :help packages) which means you won't need the set runtimepath^=... inside your .vimrc. You can instead run:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/plugs/start
cd ~/.vim/pack/plugs/start
git clone git@github.com:RRethy/vim-illuminate.git

Then there is no modification to the .vimrc and the plugin will just work.

If you want to learn more about packages which is the recommended way to install plugins, try this article or try running :help packages in vim.

I'll close this issue in two days if I don't hear back since I will assume you got it fixed.

Good luck.

tdimnet commented 6 years ago

Many thanks for your answer! I did what you explained and it works now :).

I close my issue.