RRethy / vim-illuminate

illuminate.vim - (Neo)Vim plugin for automatically highlighting other uses of the word under the cursor using either LSP, Tree-sitter, or regex matching.
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Is there a way to change the colour of the highlight? #41

Closed hrai closed 4 years ago

hrai commented 4 years ago

I use solarised scheme and the highlight colour is almost invisible. Is there a way to change this value via config?

RRethy commented 4 years ago

Please read the README or the docs before asking a question. The highlight group illuminatedWord controls the appearance.

hi illuminatedWord cterm=underline gui=underline
suntzuisafterU commented 3 years ago

I read the readme, and the docs.

Same question, is there a way to specify the color of the highlighting?

I am using Visual highlighting, and would prefer the color to be something similar the example at the top of the README.md

suntzuisafterU commented 3 years ago

See :help hi for details, and :hi for a list of existing highligh groups.

To set the colours for a highlight group add something like this to your vimrc:

:hi illuminatedWord ctermbg=242

Can also set ctermfg guibg guifg etc.

RRethy commented 3 years ago

The readme example uses :hi illuminatedWord guibg=#2c313c (with :set termguicolors on). As you mentioned, :h hi will have more info on customization.

suntzuisafterU commented 3 years ago

Thanks! This looks great