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Applications of the chinese remainder theorem to reaction systems with duration, Salomaa, A. #58

Open RS-Repo opened 6 years ago

RS-Repo commented 6 years ago

Salomaa, A. (2015). Applications of the chinese remainder theorem to reaction systems with duration. Theoretical Computer Science, 598, 15-22.

Abstract The reaction systems introduced by Ehrenfeucht and Rozenberg have given rise to numerous contributions, both because of their capabilities in describing biochemical reactions, and because of their mathematical elegance and the resulting simply stated and yet often challenging problems. The present contribution deals with the mathematical structure of reaction systems. Reaction systems with duration were introduced to model decay in nature. As will be seen in this paper, the model enhanced with duration opens rich possibilities for dealing with sequence length, termination and cycles.

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Bibtex file

@article{salomaa2015applications, title={Applications of the chinese remainder theorem to reaction systems with duration}, author={Salomaa, Arto}, journal={Theoretical Computer Science}, volume={598}, pages={15--22}, year={2015}, publisher={Elsevier} }