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Specialized predictor for reaction systems with context properties, Barbuti, R., Gori, R., Levi, F., & Milazzo, P. #65

Open mnzluca opened 6 years ago

mnzluca commented 6 years ago

Barbuti, R., Gori, R., Levi, F., & Milazzo, P. (2015). Specialized Predictor for Reaction Systems with Context Properties. Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1492, 31-43.


Reaction systems are a qualitative formalism for modeling systems of biochemical reactions characterized by the non-permanency of the elements: molecules disappear if not produced by any enabled reaction. Reaction systems execute in an environment that provides new molecules at each step. Brijder, Ehrenfeucht and Rozemberg introduced the idea of predictors. A predictor of a molecule s, for a given n, is the set of molecules to be observed in the environment in order to determine whether s is produced or not by the system at step n. We introduced the notion of formula based predictor, that is a propositional logic formula that precisely characterizes environments that lead to the production of s after n steps. In this paper we revise the notion of formula based predictor by defining a specialized version that assumes the environment to provide molecules according to what expressed by a temporal logic formula. As an application, we use specialized formula based predictors to give theoretical grounds to previously obtained results on a model of gene regulation.

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Bibtex file

@inproceedings{BarbutiGLM15, author = {Roberto Barbuti and Roberta Gori and Francesca Levi and Paolo Milazzo}, title = {Specialized Predictor for Reaction Systems with Context Properties}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming, Rzeszow, Poland, September 28-30, 2015.}, pages = {31--43}, year = {2015}, url = {}, }

mnzluca commented 6 years ago

Paper information submitted by request of R. Gori.