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On Irreducible Reaction Systems, Teh, W. C., & Womasuthan, N. #68

Open dasmenteh opened 5 years ago

dasmenteh commented 5 years ago

Teh, W. C., & Womasuthan, N. (2018). On Irreducible Reaction Systems. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 12(1), 23-34.

Abstract Reaction system, introduced by Ehrenfeucht and Rozenberg as a computational model inspired by biochemical reactions in the living cells, has been widely studied from diverse directions. Our work belongs to the research line that concentrates on the mathematical property of the state transition functions specified by reaction systems and, particularly, focuses on irreducibility and reaction system rank. We showed that for any state transition function f and any integer n between the reaction system rank of f and some upper bound depending on f , an irreducible reaction system of size n that specifies f can be obtained.

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Bibtex file

@article {MR3796800, AUTHOR = {Teh, W. C. and Womasuthan, N.}, TITLE = {On irreducible reaction systems}, JOURNAL = {Malays. J. Math. Sci.}, FJOURNAL = {Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences}, VOLUME = {12}, YEAR = {2018}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {25--34}, ISSN = {1823-8343}, MRCLASS = {92C45 (68Q05)}, MRNUMBER = {3796800}, }