RS485 / LogisticsPipes

The RS485 take on LogisticsPipes -- ESTḌ 2012
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Logistics crash #1065

Open firelizzard18 opened 7 years ago

firelizzard18 commented 7 years ago

Something I'm doing is causing a crash. I am very confident that logistics is causing the deadlock, or at the very least involved, as the server stops deadlocking when I remove the logistics power junction (with mcedit).

I know you have very limited time. Do you have any pointers on debugging it myself? I am an experienced developer (competent in Java), but I've never dealt with the forge mod ecosystem.

You can download the world file here. If you teleport to 584, 16, 1041, you'll see a logistics power junction separated from the system. If you move the power junction back to it's place, the world will deadlock (almost instantly). The client still works but the server is completely unresponsive.

firelizzard18 commented 7 years ago

Definitely has something to do with logistics power routing. When I disconnect the reactor's power provider from logistics, I can reconnect the power junction and stuff works again.

hron84 commented 7 years ago

@firelizzard18 Please do not provide us a world zip without providing a full detailed modlist because we do not know how to load this world as modded worlds are actually require mods too. Name a modpack with version or provide a full modlist for us. Also, include affected LP version in your report anyway, regardless the modpack because it helps developers to solve your problem.

Even better, if you instead of providing a world zip you could provide us a screenshots with your setup and also describe your setup your own words naming the involved other mods too.

On your side, when the deadlock happens, if you can fetch the actual callstack (I do not know how you can do it in Java, but you said you are a Java developer so I assume you can do it) from the server, it could help developers to strip down the problem.

firelizzard18 commented 7 years ago

My bad, that was dumb. I'm using MC 1.7.10, the corresponding recommended forge version (, and (I think) the latest 1.7.10 version of every mod in the list. Buildcraft, thermalcraft, and logistics are the 'core set' of mods, if you will. ThermalDynamics may be involved in the crash (I'm using ducts).

Everything else:

firelizzard18 commented 7 years ago

Here is the stack trace, while running in the client. In this particular world, this particular time, the (client's internal) server didn't hang until I switched the lever between the two energy cells.

firelizzard18 commented 7 years ago

I'm building a large 'castle' that is significantly underground. Keep in mind, all of this is incomplete. I cut the space for it out of a tall mountain. What you see is (mostly) inside that 'dungeon' area. The dungeon has an inner zone, the outside of which is wrapped with pipes. There are warp itemducts going up the corners and wrapping around on various levels. There are plain itemducts IN the corners of the inner structure. These transport power up to higher levels.

The control room, with the lever that I used to trigger the hang (this time). On the left, the redstone fluxduct is connected to a logistics pipe in the power laser column (the pipe has a power supplier upgrade). The warp itemduct is connected to A) the warp itemduct network on the outside of the room/dungeon, B) power from the fluxduct (warp itemducts need power to work), and C) the logistics pipe that connects to the power junction and thus makes the entire thing operate as a logistics network. Backup power has not been installed. And there's a whole in the wall from careless sign breaking. controls

The reactor and turbine, plus shots to the left and right. reactor left of reactor right of reactor

A view from the bottom up of the (only active) column of itemducts that provide power via logistics power lasers. The bottom/origin of the column and the part of the column that has been hidden with covers is outlined in yellow-orange. The path of the power laser, starting at the reactor and going up into the itemduct column, is highlighted in red. When you first start the world (after having replaced the logistics power junction), the lasers will show up, indicating that I did correctly set up the power transport (power transport upgrades in any corners, making sure to disconnect ducts and pipes when necessary). power laser column

I have an MFR mining laser that runs down the corner of the outer bounds of the dungeon. This is eating 10kRF/T of the reactor's 24kRF/T. The first image is the tower at the top of the corner. The second image is looking down into the tower, and you can see the MFR mining laser. laser drill tower laser drill

This is a crafting room. Lots of crafting pipes and tables on the left. A request table, provider chest, and itemsink chest on the right. crafting room

firelizzard18 commented 7 years ago

The issue is definitely related to transporting power over logistics. The weird thing is that I am doing that in another location, and it is working fine (both are chunk loaded). I'd been running a modified version of my world. I'd moved the RF power provider directly adjacent to the power laser column. That hung. So I removed the RF power provider and everything worked. I ran like that for a few days. Just now, I disconnected the MFR mining laser from the top of the (unpowered) power laser column, just in case MFR was related. Then I replaced the RF power provider at the base of the power laser column. And the server hung.

Here is the stack trace from that incident.

bziemons commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your detailed report, we'll look into it at some point.