RS485 / LogisticsPipes

The RS485 take on LogisticsPipes -- ESTḌ 2012
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Request: Adding a blocking upgrade, for crafting pipes/module #1284

Open Hasunemiku2015 opened 5 years ago

Hasunemiku2015 commented 5 years ago

Recently I started playing omnifactory and using logistics pipe as my item handling system , during automation of greg tech machines, i found some flaws of it dooing the job

The current crafting module puts in all the items i request AT ONCE , in the "red alloy ingot" recipe , it requires 4 redstone and 1 copper ingot in an alloy smelter. During mass crafting , it often stuck in more than a stack of redstone into the alloy smelter , leading to faliure of its operation.

Hence , I suggest adding a blocking upgrade for crafting so it ONLY request another set of ingredients from the storage AFTER the machine has enough slots to accept the items AND the recipe packet inserted into the machine has been completed

bziemons commented 5 years ago

This probably wont be an upgrade, but rather part of the new crafting code.