RSATom / WebChimera

[DEPRECATED] Web browser plugin based on Vlc + Firebreath + Qt Quick 2/Qml
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
82 stars 22 forks source link

Feature Request - nw.js 64-bit support #110

Closed sunjam closed 8 years ago

sunjam commented 9 years ago

Wondering about the status of this after looking through your past Github issues and wiki. I'm on Windows.

RSATom commented 9 years ago

Official VLC releases are 32-bit. Why do you need 64-bit?

sunjam commented 9 years ago

I'm curious about WebChimera being used with Tagspaces, which is built on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of nw.js. It is a file manager that currently includes basic media playback

RSATom commented 9 years ago

TBH I don't see any reason why this application could require 64-bit.

But OK, I understand your point. But please understand me too: release every new version takes much time, and build multiple plugin versions for particular platform will require even more time. Unfortunately I very limited in it. One obvious solution I want implement long time - organize dedicated build server for all platforms (look - but I still have no hardware for it.

RSATom commented 8 years ago

With existence of WebChimera.js don't see any reason to keep it open...