RSDuck / RandomPeripherals

A minecraft mod that adds some peripherals for the computercraft mod
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Universal Interface functions get overwritten by OpenP #4

Closed JomerDev closed 9 years ago

JomerDev commented 9 years ago

Could you add the @Ignore annotation to the Universal Interface?

RSDuck commented 9 years ago

Sure, the next version(which will be released probably next week) will include that change. One question left: what exactly prevents the Ignore annotation, the file says Open Peripherals will skip the peripheral generation, but what means peripheral generation, do I need to add this to all peripheral blocks if I add more?

JomerDev commented 9 years ago

I think this prevents your methods from being overwritten by OpenP. I had the problem before that I only could access the OpenP methods and not yours.

EDIT: Put the suggestion in a seperate Issue

RSDuck commented 9 years ago

I tried the latest stable and the latest snapshot of OpenPeripherals within my Mod Dev Environment and everything works as it should do, so I don't see any reason why I should add the Ignore Annotation.

I keep the issue open, maybe there is a difference inside of a non Mod Dev Environment

JomerDev commented 9 years ago

I tried it with the latest OpenPeripherals snapshot and the functions got overwritten. I let CC write them to a file, these are the functions it got:

1 : resetSides 2 : setSide 3 : condenseItems 4 : expandStack 5 : decrSide 6 : swapStacks 7 : destroyStack 8 : getNumConfig 9 : pushItemIntoSlot 10 : getAdvancedMethodsData 11 : getMaxEnergyStored 12 : getAllStacks 13 : pushItem 14 : getInventoryName 15 : pullItem 16 : getEnergyStored 17 : getStackInSlot 18 : allowYAxisFacing 19 : listSources 20 : incrSide 21 : getTankInfo 22 : getInventorySize 23 : rotateBlock 24 : pullItemIntoSlot 25 : doc 26 : listMethods 27 : getFacing 28 : setFacing

listMethods and doc are OpenP functions, I know that. I think I have some mods which use OpenPs Api for peripherals, so it could be that it isn't OpenP alone, but the OpenP Api, which (in theory) should look for the @Ignore Annotation.

RSDuck commented 9 years ago

Ich habe jetzt nochmal alles im normal zustand mit nicht dekompilierten Minecraft ect. ausprobiert. Mit der neusten Version von Random Peripherals scheint es kein Problem zu geben

JomerDev commented 9 years ago

I did some testing and Vexatos found out what the problem was in Issue 147 of Computronics