RSDuck / duckstation

Fast PlayStation 1 emulator for x86-64/AArch32/AArch64
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] Rewind crash #3

Open andercard0 opened 2 months ago

andercard0 commented 2 months ago

Game details


Description of the issue/bug

Duckstation crashed as soon as I try to use rewind option.

I did set up the same amount of seconds/frames as the PC version as follows:


Steps to reproduce

Software and hardware information

Nintendo Switch

DuckStation version

Pre Release - 2

DuckStation rendering backend


DuckStation controller backend, drivers and wrappers

Switch - Joy Con

Additional context

Also, I cound not configure the numbers correctly on switch it looks like the slider only let me choose float numbers not int. so, decided to use my PC version of it instead too which is configured as shown in the attached pictured.

I'm not sure if switch can handle rewind option properly but decided to raise this issue to make sure I'm not expecting too much from the console tho :p

RSDuck commented 2 months ago

[ 7.7807] I/System: Rewind is enabled, saving every 1 frames, with 301 slots and 3311MB RAM and 5418MB VRAM usage

Switch only has 4 GB, so that won't fit either way. It seems to just run out of memory in my VRAM allocator. That needs to be handled more gracefully.

Regarding the slider, I'll look into hooking up the analog sticks to the GUI. That should allow setting these values more precisely.